How is everyone doing?
Have you drank water today? Ate food?
Self care is important to creating those awesome novels/comics!
Apr '21
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Apr '21
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How is everyone doing?
Have you drank water today? Ate food?
Self care is important to creating those awesome novels/comics!
I actually feel kinda demotivated today, since I'm starting to think my comic is bad. I don't know why, sometimes I just feel like I should give up altoghether and focus on something else.
I'm also feeling down because school is just giving us so much stuff to do and I heavily feel under pressure.
I just hope tomorrow will be better.
I'll check out your comic! I'm newer here so I'm always on the look out for new comics to read.
And if you want to keep working on your comic, DO IT! There will always be people to support you! Like me! After I send you this comment, Imma check out your comic
Remember to take breaks and take care of your self. You come first!
I also hope you feel better soon!! <33
Learning to stream MineCraft with my daughter. But right now I watch @Rhonder her:
Guess he would like some more viewers. I’m the only one right now
I ate breakfast, had a coffee, and walked my little doggo! Also, I had a neighbour call across the street to thank me for playing trumpet yesterday morning (we had driveway-based ANZAC day dawn services due to a snap lockdown) so that was really lovely. It's nice to feel appreciated.
I miss my partner - he went camping in the southwest just before the lockdown was announced, and now he's stuck down there for an extra day. (Assuming lockdown lifts this evening. It may not if another COVID case pops up.) So that's lame, but there's nothing I can do about it.
My wrist feels much better than it did a week ago, and I'll start sketching more comic in about an hour! I've got a lot that I want to get through today, and I'm looking forward to it.
Thank you for asking T_T
I am not doing so well, unfortunately. I have a massive headache, no one is on Fortnite, I'm alone on Discord, I almost cried during wrestling practice today because I got so frustrated, the mochi people were gone by the time I got to the stand, and I have been pooping 2+ times a day.
Regardless, I am still going! Woohoo ...
How's everyone else been, lol
Ah, thanks for the shout out Jens! And also to @ebi_nebby, thanks for coming to watch earlier
To the thread topic, doing well! Need to start being better about actual water, but I ate today at least
I just stood up It's more or less in the morning in austria. But I had coffee already!
Also I'm looking forward to getting physiotherapie soon, because my back is killing me. And my pet degus stopped fighting, which is nice!
In terms of working, my comic gets a new update today in the evening and I'm glad I can keep my weekly schedule right now.
@caelinalexis Wrestling practice! That sounds so fun But also very exhausting. .. and pooping twice a day shouldn't be a bad thing lol. I'm glad if I manage pooping once a day. ... Is that too much information for a forum? xD
I am SO glad you asked. an Oracle dice reading is a lot like a Tarot reading, but I throw dice upon a mat and do my interpretation based on where they land.
So this would be the mat before I cast the dice, and each section has a different meaning to it. The dice tend to give context to each other. Most of my readings take 1-3 hours to interpret based on how in-depth I'm being and whether or not it's a specific question (and if the dice are being nice today or not).
Recently I did a promotion where I gave all of my active subscribers at the time a free general reading. I just finished my queue after a few weeks of doing readings, so now I can get back to charging people for em . I'm probably gonna be doing another divination promotion for my actives when I get my Tarot deck in.
But yeah basically I sell these readings for 10 bucks each, adding 5 for a specific question or for if they want it done as one of my characters. I'm planning to bump up the price when I get my tarot though since I'll be offering more stuff
Sure! I'll gladly send you links!
The Active Subscribers was specifically in reference to my Tapas subscribers that read, like, and comment on my work.
For Oracle Readings specifically, I offer them free to any Patreon Subscribers (even the 3$ tier), or I sell them for 10-15$ on Ko-Fi. I also accept the equivalent amount of Tapas Ink since I have support unlocked.
Rather than spam you with links, here's my Linktree which has everything, including my social media where I post Sigils on Sundays: https://linktr.ee/hippieghost
and here's the link where I originally got my dice if you decide you want to learn how to do it yourself: https://seventhirteenbooks.square.site/product/the-publishing-goblin-s-oracle-dice/2?cs=true&cst=custom
I have a fairly consistent morning routine, and a series of weekly chores that fall on various days, which I try to get done before noon if possible. Every day before I sit down to draw, I need to feed and water the cat, unload the dishwasher, put some 'real' clothes on, and take care of any emails or the like while drinking my morning pot of tea. This helps me get into the right headspace where I don't feel like anything is looming over my head, and THEN I can sit down and concentrate on drawing for several hours.
Ah yes watering and feeding the cat and dog is very important in my morning routine, I also have to water and feed my reptiles too. I usually don't get to the very important step of putting on 'real' clothes though unless I have to.
Emails are heinous/wicked things sometimes in the morning, especially regarding business.
I didn't used to bother, but part of the way through the pandemic, I realized that just staying in my pajamas all day wasn't doing my productivity or mental health any favors. So I started putting on clothes I hadn't worn to bed, at the very least. Something about fresh clothes moves me into an 'okay, we're doing things now' frame of mind, which helps.
This'd be an interesting spin-off thread, actually: what's everyone's work routine? What do you need in order to sit down and actually draw/write? Hmm... I might start that...