Do you have any other way of communication or an insta link?
I checked your webtoon and with those skills, you should have had more comics out than that. it just feels suspicious,
where is the proof that you won't steal the scripts we send? I mean other than that comic you have provided no social platform. you can del the comic, remove this ID even the email, and poof.
but with social links and other communication ways, it gets reassuring.
maybe I'm being overprotective but it has happened to me before.
sites and people ask for scripts and stories for a spot or paid jobs and disappear in thin air not even telling if someone was selected or not.
like the Billie elish x clip studio paint scam
they got free stuff and people got twitter rage
its shows how much OP don't want to interact with us, while OP want the writers to be great communicators, it simply makes it more suspicious i mean OP can draw great and OP's comic has a solid layout of story without help of a writer, who's to say they won't change the name and proceed to work on scripts people send.
I'm just being cautious and warning people here from my own experience with this kind of thing.
Then again, just playing the other side, is it really realistic for us to expect somone who just joined yesterday to know all the formalities and rules of the forums?
Being honest, this looks more like a twitter post or something on social media. They might not be familiar with the interconnectedness of the forums, and might be more experienced in other areas or just not familiar with the norms. (After all, many people like using Tapas more as it creates a platform to connect with your readers.) Moreover, who knows, they might have their own life and different platforms that they have to keep track of as well.
Don't get me wrong, I don't think that just giving an update and leaving is a good thing, but there might be other external factors that we don't know about. I'd still give it a chance. However, as you said, I would approach it with caution.
Just didn't want the assumption that this is a bad thing to rule over the rest of the thread.
follow up on what @Spectorium_1 mentioned, we can never know the ins and outs of how someone works.
as far as I am concerned, if you keep thinking like that you will never be able to tell the world how capable you are.
sure steps ought to be carried out thoughtfully, but being delusional or fearsome of outcomes that might happen rather than being hopeful about what you can have instead is a downfall for anyone no matter a creator or a shop owner. if you don't show your product you won't have any sales.
but your need for socials is valid yet uncalled for, if the thread owner was comfortable sharing it, they would have done so in the main post.
so don't assume things @Neotheduck and let the wind pass in peace
@Parademero @Spectorium_1 I don't think @Neotheduck is assuming things . Of course we don't expect a new member to know all the rules. @Neotheduck asked OP a question which OP ignored. We are not saying not to work with OP but to be cautious. A lot of writers are quick to jump on when artists like these come along. Bottom line, be careful, Don't send your full script or your entire story that you haven't posted anywhere yet.
Even if OP is uncomfortable sharing socials, they could have said so or address it in some way.
I understand where you are coming from. I would be pretty pissed if I asked a concerning question as that and no one answered. Moreover, full transparency in these types of transactions is one of my main principles, so I don't agree with how much the OP is hiding either.
Also, I apologize for my lack of clarity though, especially so if I came off as antagonistic or condescending. I should've emphasized my opinion more in my previous post. So, while it was not my intention, it was my mistake, and I'll take responsibility for it.
@Neotheduck sorry for thinking that you were assuming things. You bring up valid points and writers should be wary of things like these. Thank you for helping us out.
I get your point, and I think that the thread owner should be more transparent, or at least answer the questions in this thread.
as for the other concerns, I don't mind if someone uses my works
I can always write more and better,
if there is something I've learned while working with artists then it has to be this ''They don't give a damn about your stories if it's not good.''
This is kinda odd. Hm.
Does anyone have the original reference work still? OP got rid of it and I can't find anything. I was hoping to have a look. Just curious about it, really.
Edit: Nevermind, I found it. Tried looking up more but anything associated with author's name is only about this specific webcomic and the majority of anything posted online has since been deleted by the author. It is a little weird, but I can't say much beyond that. Either way, this is why having a portfolio with multiple examples is important. Good luck to the presumed picked writer (assuming they exist).