20 / 40
Dec 2019

Maybe it’s music that reminded you of the themes or characters, maybe it just has the vibe you want...have any of you made a music playlist just for your comic? If so, share them!

  • created

    Dec '19
  • last reply

    Dec '21
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I also make music, so I made an album named after my comic, "Anomie" which is also the name of the main character. The first track is also the name of another character in the comic, "Dire"

Yes, actually! I have made a playlist for all songs I'm putting in the comics chapters for tapas, which are all instrumentals. The entire story is already made so consider it a slight spoiler to watch it!

I gotta check out all these songs later because I really like the one’s I clicked on! Hope you share the full list some day🤣

I have this? It's not really for my comic as a whole, nor for one specific character, but it makes sense in my head which songs go with which character and what is happening in the story. I also realize that most of these songs are kind of depressing but my comic is fairly lighthearted at this point. shrugs :3

Sure do! It's actually a part of the comic, cuz the main character has an ipod and picks songs from it to play, so that's a cool little easter egg. It's also super helpful for me to get into the mind of said character when I need to decide what he'd say or do in any given situation! It's full of hit pop songs from my (and the protag's) childhood : D

I made one for Inksgiving!

Baila, baila, bailando va.
Baila, baila bailando EH!

I've been trying to work on a score for my comic, which given its title, concept etc is kinda an obvious thing.

I fear I'm not Uematsu level talented though! Definitely a job for next year.

More generally, i feel if you have a series of songs for a character-themes, etc, it makes it easier to get into their mindset...

Nope. I just have playlists that I listen to while I'm making the comic...lol

Heres the link to my comics playlist: link1

Music is a HUGE part of my creative process. I listen to this playlist almost every night as I fall asleep, and sometimes dream of scenes that my characters act out in. It's awesome.

Ye!! I make Spotify playlist for my comics

This one is for Oasis1 Which ive been gathering for a couple of years now

and This2 one is for a comic that i will one day put online maybe...

I have! A lot of the songs in my comic's playlist aren't on spotify;;; So here's a rad little visual of character themes.

They're also colour-coded for specific tunes that relate to more than one character. Had a blast with this!

1 month later

O_o how did I miss this thread? I usually visit all music related ones xD

This one has been cultivated over the last 12 years, jumping many different music platforms.

Most of these are all about my Main Character's motivations.

This one is for all my nasty villains. Got to have the nasty mean music to get in their heads. So lots of Pantera.

12 days later
1 year later

Oh hi Spade

for some strange reason I just realized I can make a playlist of the music that inspired my comic and was looking for somewhere to share it, (I don't care if the topic is old) so here it is: DRIFTED playlist

Nice thread revive.
Ya i got one too.

Yeah, been making one for each of the significant characters in a broad range. Just any song that gives me that character vibes if you will. Might add some extra songs to them before actually showing them though

I have so many playlists for Bestia's Wrath. Like, one for the story and also one for each of the characters and they get updated whenever I find new music that I like and that fits the characters.

there it is, songs in no particular order. I should probably reorder it at some point!

I actually don't have one, but it would be fun to make one. Maybe I will when I have a little more time.

I have playlists for my characters on spotfy, it helps me to get in the mood to write/draw them, its actually very useful

That song totally has the vibes of "Noble hero going off to fight something completely overwhelming and losing and the distorted message within the song is something they left behind" which is literally what happens in my star wars story lmao.

The only thing I love more than music is SHARING music!

Whether it's to put me in the right headspace of my characters or to inspire me as I work on action sequences, it's the best.

Since my comic has a big, smoosh heart, there are some great emotional pieces in this playlis ("Noble Heart" by PHOX is my favorite and the line "please, somebody make me weak" directly influences some dialogue down the road).

"Golden Slumbers" by the Beatles shows up a few times by different artists because that song will show up in a big way later as well (well, as big as it can without copyright infringement... so, like, a medium way). But I love how that song can be sung either heartbrokenly or joyously and completely change its meaning.

And finally, I love "Sharpshooter" by Bosley as Taylor Reindeer's theme song (it rocks but the lyrics are SUPER questionable (much like the hero himself)).

It may be 52 songs long, but it's a solid rabbit hole.