Whoops, I let this thread die :'D Put any new cameo-friendly characters in the continuation here XD
(Also since people are linking to this thread, do also check the newer threads for more cameo-friendly characters: [1], [2])
I happen to need a few more extras for crowd scenes, and I figured ... isn't it kind of tedious for everyone doing a crowd scene to make a separate thread offering cameos? So I decided to make a master thread of sorts where we submit any OCs we're okay with cameo-ing in other people's work, and anyone who needs extras can just look here!
By submitting your OCs to this thread, you're agreeing to:
1. Let anyone use your character in their work, as long as they give you credit in a manner you specify in your post
(Note: if you don't leave a crediting method, creators may 'credit' your Tapas forum profile, and if you just leave a link to your comic, we'll assume you want to be credited by a link to your comic).
2. Let people modify your character to better fit their setting. For instance, they can change your character's outfit to something more historical/modern/futuristic, and they can turn your character into a human/pony/whatever race they feature in their setting.
3. Risk the possibility that the creator using your character isn't very good at drawing your character, and accidentally make them look ... not themselves. (If you're not satisfied with a creator's depiction of your character, they're under no obligation to remove it from their work.)
You can remove your OCs from this pool at any time, by editing or replying to your post with
(date): (declaration that you're revoking your OCs' cameo friendly status)
For instance - "4th Oct 2022: revoking the cameo friendly status of the OCs in this comment"
People who used your characters for a cameo before the date you removed them from the pool are under no obligation to remove them from their work
I'll be bumping this thread whenever it reaches 29 days with no activity, so it stays alive. But If I happen to forget and this thread gets locked, assume the OCs in this thread are no longer cameo-friendly.
To start things off, here are my OCs from bitwam:

Clockwise from the bottom:
Myrrh (purple hair)
Eury (peach hair)
Credit-wise, linking to my comic will do! (Also, note that my comic is public domain, so even if this thread closes, my characters will always be cameo-friendly and more :])
(EDIT: If you end monetizing your comic and feature cameos here, ask the creators if they'd want royalties unless they explicitly state they're okay with not receiving royalties XD
I'm cool with not receiving royalties for cameos of all my characters (in the OP and comment #38)
(Many thanks to this thread for reminding me of this contingency :P))