Thanks, Ghost, I have several up. In my fantasy, The Faerie Dusters, four faerie youths escape their world to the world of the humans and get stuck. It is a coming-of-age story. The rest of my novels are sci-fi.
In Star Seeders, the characters are based on our pantheon of gods. The main character, Jeez, wants nothing more than to farm on his Seed Ship, but when his father the King dies, he must step up and take the reins. I am currently uploading episodes from the second book in that series, Escape Through Esthos.
The Space Bum is an adventure set far in the future. The main character, Besh, a middle-aged man who tramps across the universe in search of an old friend. The King of the planet, Pendragon, another friend, calls on him to find the lost Prince. He travels with an ex-pirate, the King's Royal Secretary, and the pirate's nephew/son. The second book in that series is The Old Man. After seven years presumed dead, Besh returns, host to an intelligent and talkative alien entity.