1 / 52
Nov 2020

I love reading gay romance (or really any genre) with cute or handsome animal guys. If you make something in this vein I’d love to read it and will very likely subscribe.

I also make a romance comic full of cute animal guys who just want to find love in another cuddly boy’s arms. I can’t be the only person writing this kind of story! If you make a LGBTQ+ furry comic promote your work here!.

This is my comic. If you’re into this kind of thing or make a comic in this genre please check it out. My main goal here is to spread the love with creators making similar comics though.

  • created

    Nov '20
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    Mar '21
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There are 51 replies with an estimated read time of 4 minutes.

Ooh! I like this thread ^^ I am a happy subscriber to Cup & Quill, I definitely recommend checking it out ^^ It's got cute art and deep character storylines :slight_smile:

Thank you for making this thread :3 I will drop mine here as well :blush:

I am interested to see what other works are added here!

This really reduces down to very few comics.... :expressionless:

Well then, my comic is not LGBT themed, but my protagonist cat boy might befriend someone special in the future. (if I'm able to continue long enough, that is)

lemme leave my business card here before i go

Maor has a lot of elements I love, beautiful art (in black and white, which has always been one of my favorites despite me loving color, B&W has always been so bold and beautiful to me ^^) an interesting premise, coming of age, anthro world, and fantasy, as well as I love cats too so that's always a plus! :3

Here are two comics I really enjoy that fit here. I’ll likely keep updating this thread with stuff that fits this particular niche as I find them. I’m only going to post comics I’ve caught up on or at least read enough of to know that they’ve got my personal seal of approval (good representation, no glorification of non-consensual sex etc).

This comic by @LegalStudioz is relatively new and is still building up its story. The art style is amazing though.

This one is only on Webtoon, but the story is deeply emotional and darker than you might expect. The art gets better and better the further you read too.

If you post someone else’s work please tag them so they can join in the fun.

So far this comic keeps it short, sweet and really cute.

I would have tagged the creator, but they don’t seem to be a forum member.

If you want something a little spicier this comic by @DarkChibiShadow is really great. The art is phenomenal and the characters have rich back stories. This story follows the unconventional relationship between a human witch and a satyr con man.

I changed up the title of this thread to make it a bit more inclusive.

Here is a comic with a cute lineless art style and really great non-binary representation.

@schlisselart is the creator

Aw heck yeah!

My comic is about a bunch of lgbt+ furries who are pets in a virtual pet game (i know you're a reader, acorn, bbuuuut for anyone else!) It's got magic stuff, ghastly monsters and romance! My main characters are a transmasculine goat, a lesbian rabbit and a Fennec fox who's identity is a question mark.

A few images for those who haven't seen the style...

You can take a looksee here:

I am a bit confused. Is "Insignifcant Otters" under LGBTQ+? Just to clarify this so other people don't get the incorrect impression that the comic has LGBTQ+ characters or themes.

I think there was some confusion where people didn't realize that the + was part of LGBTQ and thought that the title meant LGBTQ + Furry comics. I changed the title again to make it more clear.

Oh yeah this is another one that's really neat and original. There's some mysterious stuff happening in the background and this story is really starting to heat up.

Ah. well, we didn't know. :stuck_out_tongue: And @drcharlotterodricks meant no harm.
Heart Rock Titan still fits the category though and we HEAVILY recommend it.