Oh right forgot about that guy
Any other Venezuelan character's anywhere?
Now that @beebutterbee went and gave spoilers that she has a Dominican vampire I think I've officially lost XD. I was so sure that I would win with my own. Better go invent a new ethnicity. But since I said only human ones. I'mma have to have a lot of kids XD.
Anyway more of my Dominicano. Why did I make my own ethnicity one of the most evil characters? Who knows
Characters from Celestia are all from another planet , specifically a planet from andromeda galaxy. similar to earth yet entirely different. The main character is from the country called Celestia previously known as pandora . check it out if you are interested and leave a comment and subscribe if u can plz
only real ethnicities lol
Does anybody have Vietnamese characters?
I have one Canadian in my new novel "A Dozen Morning Glories."
Scarlet Caralee: a chaotic-chaotic ray of sunshine who WILL give people kisses whether they want them or not, and also the only non-poc staff member at Book Bug Publishing. She's crazy but currently a reader favorite lol.
Essence is African American of Senegalese descent. Any takers? going once?
Biblically accurate Angel… I guess the ethnicity would be Angel? Heaven? Open to interpretation. Either way, fairly certain this is the only one in this thread…
actually I think another comic has an angel as a mc lol. by @kyupol
Yeah I know that obv, I meant in this thread lol. I’ve read lots of comics with biblically accurate Angel characters. I draw my inspiration from somewhere, of course! Either way, from a look none in this thread.
Both Chili and Texas are american, but Texas is third gen french-american, and Chili is Malayasian. Fun fact about his surname; his family moved to Mexico from malaysia before moving to the USA and changed their surname to Cruz to try to blend in
this series debuts this year if all goes as planned
Greetings from the stars!
My story has 16 POV's and 15 ethnicities. To avoid spoiling the story and extra pages, I'll only share one.
Branton Inphernos is Polynesian, particularly Hawaiian.
Mora Glas is Welsh and Cameroonian coded.
@Leyellei realize that i never told mine:
ChiLiang is Chinese while Fiammetta is italian!
Any takers for French or German?
Therese George is French and her husband Verner is French and German
Pakistani anyone?