Aw, I love seeing characters so affluent with birds!
If I were a bird superhero, I'd probably be Captain Clucker, or Mother Clucker (cause hens)...Maybe not a good idea for a superhero name...
The Chicken Chick?
The Feathered Fury?
The Rooster Booster?
The Plucky Pullet?
The Raving Raven?
The Masked Macaw?
The Parrot Parrot Parrot?
The Bwokineer?
The Pleasant Pheasant?
The Buff? (from Buff Orphington, like the Hulk?)
Eggman...No, that's taken...And a dude...
Feel free to add more! Might later draw up a team flock (separate from Captain Pigeon if you prefer...)
Yeah, so sorry, I'm adding more to my own list, but I'm having an awesome time with this thread!