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Sep 2020

I’m the creator of a furry comic and I’m always on the lookout for other comics with furry characters. What can I say, I have an addiction to stories featuring floofy animal people. If your comic has characters that are anthropomorphic (human like) animals or even just regular animals that can talk share it here and I’ll give it a read and subscribe.

Please check out my comic too!

Its also being translated into Spanish!

  • created

    Sep '20
  • last reply

    Jul '21
  • 76


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There are 76 replies with an estimated read time of 6 minutes.

Here's mine.:slight_smile: (you can read the extras first.)

Wow! I hope you know that this art style is phenomenal! I can’t wait to read this once the first episode drops on September 15th. Thanks so much for sharing!

dabs in excitedly because people never ask for my niche!

I love anthro comics so I'm gonna bookmark this topic. Im making my own soon, so I'll post that here once it's up (it might take a bit though

Read Paw Print promise by Phantomlight. It's wholesome.


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)b


Mine is an illustrated novel/story rather than a comic, hope that's ok :grin: The characters aren't exactly anthro either but I'm a furry and the characters all have animal traits. I figure it counts.

Excited to check out the comics in this thread!

I mean I guess lizards in bikini armor

I've got one other one I can show you but...it's NSFW. lol If you still want to see, let me know. :smiley: