Writers and comic creators have a wide variety of tools at our disposal. Some of them are built into software we use and some of them are piles of sticky notes all around our desks.
I used to keep physical notes (I'll have to find the actual images on my other laptop so I can share them, so stay tuned!) of stories - specifically for "Nearly There Nicely". I knew from the outset that this was going to be a somewhat large story so I wanted to have somewhere in my busy college life to keep stuff I could refer to fast. I don't have a two-monitor situation and having a notebook next to me worked for a while. That's actually how I ended up making a list of things I wanted to happen as I built up the backstory, and it ended up looking familiar to a 1 through 20 bullet point list type outline.
As time has passed I've spread out and adopted more tools evil laughter Some good, and some.... well just cause chaos.
One of the first things I did, since I noticed the comic (at the time was going to slow) I needed to keep track of the major events that would happen in a chapter and what locations they were at. So I made a cheat sheet in Word with a table.
I'm still using this all the way up to ch103+ One of the things I do that's important for me to know is if something.... super important happens, I bold/underline/italicize and make it a tad larger in a different color. So when I'm scrolling through skimming, I can find it fast.
The next thing I ended up doing and have kept it up is I created with the help of simple math, was a table for how many chapters I do a month, so how many do I have done total. As you can see below, I started the notes and comic in oct but officially abandoned that comic idea within a month lol I also have moved my "average word count" number to over there because it's easier to see since in the same form I have other information -so I can see it all at once.
Just to the right of it in the center of the cells is a graph. It's just a visual representation of that number list. Sometimes it's good to see it in both ways.
Just below that cell list is a dot graph that visually represents how many words per chapter happens. I had to break them up based into clumps just so I could still keep reading them without having to scroll lol That's the only difference of colors. But you can see that although I'm writing less chapters now, they've gotten progressively chunkier. Group "A" being the first set of chapters, and the yellow group "D" being the most recent.
I'm not done yet because that dot graph needs to get it's word count data from somewhere! Not these are fluid numbers that I have continually updated as I've edited the works. If I was smart I should've kept a pre-edited set of numbers but oh well. Live and learn.
Lastly on this page is the visual word count representation broken up by how the physical books are broken up. I knew I had started to write fatter chapters, but that literally the last third is the same length as the first two thirds? Oh my gosh this is when it started to sink in.
Here's how I see that whole page
Then. It became real. I get physical books that I have sold and I use those as editing tools. For formatting and to make a new mental map so I can see the work fresh to edit it more effectively (a trick I learned in college). But as I said, it became real, and book 3 came in... And well. it... It was a tad ..... thickkkkkk.
Then one day I decided I wasn't done and wanted to make the kingdom a thing I could see - a continent - then a damn planet. So more notes started. This is just the short version of them, but trust me, some of them are very detailed (including the continent that I flushed out down to what it exports and imports and is the central/only location for a NaNoWriMo story that takes place at the same time but not directly involved with Nearly There Nicely....)
Then well, I can't decide if I hate myself or really like the story... so I went on to start creating a timeline. See I was thinking up stuff for the backstory of how much Crow and Will had spent together and why had they been seperated, so on and so forth, and so I needed to get ages and times and... well what I ended up with are two timelines. One for "in story" and one for "backstory".
And the backstory one well... It kind of became a monster as I was writing it. I kept having all these ideas that suddenly made sense! So I had to write them down. Mistakenly on my part, both of these tables were made in Spreadsheets instead of in Word, so printing them out results in the far columns being cut off usually QQ
Now don't get me wrong, I still refer to this stuff all of the time. And if anything it's good to have the grounding basis of the world as a whole in my mind so I don't have to stop later and be like UHHHHHHHH and have to jerry rig something together.
I also have notes somewhere in regard to -when- Will and Crow were born, placing them into our Zodiac system, how much time specifically passed between Adell's amnesia and remarrying+new child being born. And the "in story" timeline even has me marking the passage of time so I can keep track of what month they're in so I can reflect the correct weather patterns
And then lastly, my most current tool is starting to use a dot journal to see if that helps me drum up ideas. It helped me to write down what I wanted to happen next (I've done this before and have the files saved, usually in notepads), but this way I was able to place down what in what order I wanted to have happen.
Very lastly, is my digital files. My main laptop has the files for the timelines and such in them and I just haven't moved them over yet. I just moved over to my new laptop what I needed for the short term. Shorts, notes, and files for chapters to re-read. The "bookv" folder is specifically and only for the stuff related to the physical books - templates for the file sizes, copyright pages, and the files I submit and edit to lulu.com for the actual printing, as well as the image files for the covers.
So everyone - please show with me your tools you've used and how you organize. I'm always looking for new ideas on how to freshen up the ways I organize and hopefully this helps inspire people on how to organize their own works. You don't need to go into this kind of detail for every story, but since I knew I was "in for the long haul" I've always addressed this story with the mindset of "why not?"
Sep '20
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