Well my new story isn't a romance, but I might as well rank my leads anyway:
Riley is 5'6 (tho tbf he's 15 and still growing)
He's bulimic, so he's thinner than he should be for his height.
She's his sister, so he has no awkwardness interacting with her. He drives her up a wall by calling her "Licorice" but he also trusts her with basically all his secrets.
Definitely not lol
He doesn't really insult her often, though he does complain about her a lot. Sometimes justifiably
They are middle class suburban white American kids, so they'd be rich by most of the worlds standards but just normal for the people around them. They always have food and snacks, they have their own computers and phones, but their parents don't give them literally everything they want. His older sister has her own car, but it's not a super expensive car etc.
He is mildly possessive of his sister, but in a normal healthy "watch what you say. That's my sister you're talking about" sort of way.
He's not shy but legitimately scared a lot, and it shows by him just being quiet. nobody but his sister can tell that he's scared. she's also the only person he really talks to about anything. period.
He knows what she told him, and that's virtually everything. they don't even try to keep each other out of their phones. but they gave each other permission to know and do all the things they do. they respect each other's privacy, but they trust each other enough to share most of their secrets.
he's known her for fifteen years. yah know. since the day he was born.
So now we move on to Leia
this is difficult to answer. she's got a bit of a doughy stomach and thighs coming in because she eats the lunches her brother won't eat so no one will ask questions about it. she's not super happy that she's gaining additional weight, but she's also not doing anything to try to lose it. maybe just because she's trying to be a "good example," and trying to lose weight would confuse her current attempts to make her brother gain some.
she has a very few instances where she's uncomfortable, but she's not shy.
her self-esteem is middling. She's not super happy about her body or appearance, but also doesn't spend a lot of time caring about it because she feels there are more important things to worry about at the moment.
again, he's her little brother. she's well aware that he's attached to her because they have a pact.
There might be two. I'm not sure that counts as several.
she dresses almost exactly like her little brother. jeans. hoodies. sneakers. occasionally eyeliner, and she calls it a day. honestly he wears more makeup more often than she does.
probably no makeover coming. she might wear something nice at some point, but not a long-term makeover of any kind most likely.
she's watching him almost 24/7 to keep him safe, but that was her decision, not his.
nope. she's an over-tired over-stressed high school student just trying to save her little brother from himself. she wasn't trying to avoid falling in love, but her attention is largely divided.
also no. she is a book worm, but she loves sci-fi, mysteries and fantasy.
(this chapter is available for free on my Patreon for everyone to read