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Feb 2016

(I'm not entirely sure if we're able to post job offers here, but I didn't see anything against the rules, so here we go! Let me know if it's in the wrong category or isn't supposed to be here at all)

Hello! I’m the main artist for Midwinter51, an online webcomic that’s been in production since 2013. We’re in need of a background artist that is comfortable drawing urban areas such as city streets, city overviews, singular buildings, etc. within a sci-fi theme. Rubble and foliage will also be common, and later on we will have more fantasy landscapes as well. You can see some42 samples44 here31 (3 separate links) of the kind of work you may be doing. (Note: these are some of the more involved pages, not all of them will be this difficult)

The bg artist is responsible for sketching backgrounds and completing lineart on the comic pages themselves. We can do the rest! Other duties may include designing certain buildings, designing interiors, or drawing in props.

Even if you’re not interested, try sharing it so it may reach someone who is! It would mean a lot to us.

Required skills:
+ Strong sense of perspective
+ Detail oriented (clean lines, no gaps between them. Makes it easier on our toner.)
+ Open to feedback & critique
+ Can work from references and maintain consistency
+ Communicative, open about limitations and schedule
+ Ability to work within a deadline

Super useful extra skills, but not required:
+ Comfortable with vehicle drawing/design
+ 3D modeling or SketchUp experience

Some software you will need when starting with us:
+ Photoshop or drawing equivalent
—> Basically, anything that can read PSDs. Paint Tool Sai, Clip Studio, SketchBook Pro, etc.
+ Dropbox
+ Skype

Your computer needs to be able to handle large files. They will probably be 20-40MB when you start working on them. A finished page can range 80-120MB.


We produce pages by the chapter (40 pages), so you will have a burst of work when we start, but you likely will not have much more work until the next production cycle. When in production, we’d like a turnaround of 2-3 pages per week. I’ll typically notify you in advance of upcoming work just so we can touch base about your schedule and make sure you’re free!

It’s extremely important that we have someone reliable—often times, backgrounds are the first step in sketching a page, and having a backlog will halt production in other areas of the pipeline.

If you are interested in other consistent work, we also have openings for creating page layouts and shading/highlighting characters and backgrounds.


This is a negotiable, PAID position. In the past, payments have been calculated in a flat rate, per page format. This means that you get paid the same for each page whether it’s an establishing shot or there’s only 1-2 panels mostly covered by characters. Particularly detailed or large establishing shots are open to extra compensation, however.

The flat rate format makes it easier on all parties, but if you’re not comfortable with that, it is certainly up for discussion. We’re open to other avenues.

Design/concept work will be paid for separately and based on your personal rates.

All that said, I want to be upfront with you guys: we are not a self-sufficient commercial entity. We are not be able to offer industry standard payment, and we apologize for that. Though we go to conventions and try to sell things online, the core team doesn’t see a cent of it. It goes to table costs, supplies, printing, and to the other assistant artists.

Depending on skill level, we’re comfortable offering $15-30/page. We’re open to higher price points depending on the artist, but we would not be able to afford anything over $50/page. Please keep that in mind when applying.

TO APPLY, please send your portfolio to midwintermanga@gmail.com and tell us why you feel you’d be a good fit for the position. You may comment here as well, but please note that the email will be checked more often. Feel free to ask us any questions you may have, though!

PLEASE INCLUDE at least one example of urban or sci-fi backgrounds; otherwise it’s too difficult to tell if your skills would be a good fit. Thank you!

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  • created

    Feb '16
  • last reply

    Feb '16
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I am just posting to say that that yes, posts like this are definitely allowed! smile

Also, this is an EXCELLENT example of how looking-for-artist posts should be made! You're very clear on what you're looking for, the production-schedule, and the payment involved. A+, you're an example to everyone!

(seriously, @CyndiFoster - if you're still involved in that how-to-page for collaboratiors, this is the example you should be pointing to!)

Absolutely allowed, thank you so much for this great in-depth posting. Really answers all the questions a considering artist might have, gives clear expectations, deadlines, and a method of contacting you. I agree with @AnnaLandin A+ thread post.

I have no doubts that there will be some interested artists giving you an email. Good Luck!

holy shit, someone who posts one of these wants to actually give an artist money for their time instead of wanting them to draw their entire comic for free like they're a bountiful fountain of time and generosity.

Hey thanks for the compliments, guys! I'm glad you found it clear and concise. I don't think I've gotten a lot of hits from here yet, but fingers crossed~

@winglesscomic, that comment made me laugh more than it should have XD I'm guessing that happens fairly often around here, but I guess as an artist myself I never want to ask someone to work for free!

As a writer, I've had some luck finding good professional project collaboration from this board. Being organized, clear in your communication and expectations, and genuinely excited to get to know other people and work with them goes a long way!

Like the others have said, the original post is a great job advert. I've already passed on the info to my good friend and collaborator for my comic Atonement4, as I know she's looking for a second paid comic project, and seems to fit the list of requirements in the advert. I'll see if a few other friends might be looking for work too, and then send them over to this page.

Good luck finding what you need!

It's so nice seeing someone offer an actual paid project like...holy s**t.