I believe it would be quite a fight against Dan and Nadhine (my main protag); since she doesn't have any supernatural abilities on her own, she'd have to keep her wits about her and never drop the guard around Dan. If not overpowered by him, she'd try her best to either exhaust him in the long haul or resort to her surroundings as a tactic to get out alive.
Now, against Raheem, her Djinn/Janni companion it would be a completely different story, which could pose more of a challenge to Dan; he's got at least centuries of magical practice and although he isn't much of a physical fighter as Nadhine is, his overall abilites to manipulate elements, shapeshitfing, dynamics, gravity and even time (given that he's not exhausted enough to pull it off, as his magic can take a toll on him if overused) can defeat Dan, I believe. in his true form, he can tank a lot of damage and he has very few things that can damage him in that point. However, he's not unbeateable, and it's very unlikely he'll engage in combat against anyone unless he's forced to xD
Links below if you want to meet them xD