26 / 26
Jan 2023

I miss read the due date and erroneously thought it we had the 27th to complete (my fault entirely). I'm almost done with my character. Is it too late to send her in? I'm going to use her for other stuff, so no hard feelings if it is too late XD

Your not to late since we got less pictures than expected :grin: Just send it in :blush:

Maybe them in fancy dresses or something or uhhh yeah new year’s festivities can vary though

Will it be with water on a beach? I was thinking like The Brenton family having a picnic and Eric and Winston jet skiing or something. If that doesn’t work out for the setting I could draw Wellington in a chair just chilling

You can draw what you want them to do. When you have special requirements for the background you can draw your own and we fit your picture in with some outlining elements

If you make it transparent you'll get nighttime so if you want them to have party in daylight you can draw your own background :slight_smile:

1 month later

closed Jan 27, '23

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