Most people fall in a spectrum between pantsing and outlining with very few who are purely one or the other.
And I think it's FASCINATING how everyone's process is!
Especially the ones that don't work for me.
My 'outline' tends to be a well formed idea of the beginning (usually about 50-100 pages worth), a vague idea of the middle, and a 'thank god this is a romance so I know it'll be a happy ending for the couple but I don't know anything else!' ending.
Then I'll have a handful of key scenes throughout the whole story (mostly bunched at the front). Things I know will happen... I just don't know how, why, or often even WHERE.
I'll usually (not always) write down a page long summary if I need it.
(But usually I'm already writing chapter one before I do that! Often, I wait until my planned beginning is done, too.)
And if I'm using a summary, I'll usually update it every 200 pages (roughly 50,000 words) or so. Not including what I'd already written, focusing only on what's ahead.
By then, I might have more key scenes and a better idea of where I'm going in the future.
I RARELY have to edit out a key scene because of what I've already written.
The rest of the time, I just need to know what the next key scene is. Then if I put my mind to it, I can usually think of up to 5 scenes from where I'm at... But no more. 5 tends to be my limit. (Though unless I'm super stuck, I usually only think of the next 2 or 3. Sometimes I'll go in spans where I can only do 1 at a time).
Somehow I end up on the next key scene. Ta-da! Magic! ... Then I begin aiming for the next one.