380 / 677
Oct 2016

These are for my comic, Crow Summer. The Tapastic cover and the Chapter One cover! Not gonna lie, chapter covers and their like are so enjoyable for me— I love trying to compose something that reflects the content of the story and still looks really nice. I spend… a lot of time fiddling with my covers. XD

10 days later

This is my new series, A Little Unsteady. I'm hoping to get some feedback on this, so thanks!

9 days later

Presently I'm reworking my comic, but here's the new cover for it so far

This the cover for my action/adventure comic BOLT ACTION. I upload a new page every Tuesday and Thursday.

Mine is called "Mallory Bash," and it's about a ten year-old girl that adventures around her home town of Moonblush Village (and beyond, in the county of Nightdrift) with her two friends, the cautious Isaac and scatter-brained Saki. She lives with her grandfather, Odran, and is often a bit much for him to handle, but he provides her with invaluable wisdom.

Mine is called "My Friends in Distantland". Here's the link: https://tapastic.com/series/My-Friends-in-Distantland

I haven't gotten far into the series yet (noob), but basically we got two different cultures that clash with each other (humans and monsters) and are under the same threat. It's up to a serious little girl named Cathryn, her stuffed rabbit, Hop-Hop, and a friendly, but cowardly, vampire-boy named Van Von Fang to stop the new threat as well as bring an end to the previous conflict.

Here's the cover for issue 1.

I made a banner recently for my comic Legends of Kayal but its kinda stretched... (Here is a higher quality version)

Probably going to make another one later on and be sure to have it in right proportions blush