Hello everyone, hope your having a great week, I'm sharing my novel because who else will? haha If you get the chance hope you can give it a read, any feedback is welcome.
Hello CapraZ92,
My week is going great. Thank you! I subscribed to your novel. Need to read more of it and I'll get you some feedback.
Nigel Parkinson, Jr.Creator of Comic "Pets Allowed"
Do you want to know what happens on my series "Pets Allowed": Strays Cats before everyone else does?
Read Pets Allowed: The Stray Cats | Tapas Web Comics
The newest panels to complete episode 1 will be posted on Sunday, March 5. You will be able to receive a PDF of Script (and any updates of script of each Episode before the episode is Posted on Sundays to Tapas if you become a member (Choose from Next Level Official Patron or any of the tiers above that tier) on my Patreon at:
Hello Samael-il-lfrit,
You're welcome! I subscribed to your novel.
What a cute premise.
Hello Archetype_Moon,
I subscribed to your novel.
Hello matt_does_draw,
I subscribed to your comic, Kitsune Fox.
Hi, I just uploaded a new novel, I would love to know what you think and your suggestions.
Here's my fantasy comic Karamador, just having been updated with a new part of the ongoing story "Tourney in Aborku".
I posted another episode for my new comic We!rd0s, go check it out :] https://tapas.io/episode/2779437
Hello naladraws,
I had to finish episode 3 before I moved on to episode 4 and since I finished episode 4, I have to ask..... When will episode 5 be posted! I like your comic. Great work!
Hello ilesarki,
Awesome drawings! I subscribed to your comic.
Hello good people here, mind if I introduce all of you to, perhaps an exciting and intense story filled with action and mystery all the way in? Colony Zero that is, with 25+ episodes now has been released, hope y'all enjoy it!
Hello Cahyaism,
These are two ongoing novels I have just begun.(As of now, the current episodes posted are unfinished as well. While the words are all there, I'm going to add more artwork to each episode. Look forward to that.)
Hello M_Cat,
I read Chapter 0 of your novel, The Land With No Sun. I subscribed to that novel. I will read the other novel later.
Check out my comic
Hi!Please check out my first novel, Dragtagon rigjt here! Check out Dragtagon on Tapas.
I will subscribe to others!!