300 / 343
Oct 2020

Seaing Beeing was updated earlier

Tales of ' will be updated in a few days

Here are my comics. :grin:.

Hii, check out my novel if you enjoy psychological thrillers set in the afterlife! Thank you for the opportunity :heart_eyes:

Hello! I'm Conrado and I'm making a fantasy romance comic!

If you are looking for a good laugh every Sunday morning, look no further then my latest creation. There will be new episodes every Sunday.

Heyaaa :heart:
I just posted the first chapter of my webtoon called Game of Death!

Please check it out if you have the time!

Magical boy webmanga here!

LGBT+ | Action | Fantasy | Romance
upates are everyother wednesday~!

Here's the webcomic I've been working on for months and running it since June 2020 with updates every Wednesday. This is my debut webcomic and I'm relatively new to the webcomic world. This slice-of-life webcomic follows the life and adventures of the middle schooler, Chion, and his pet guinea pig,

I've managed to keep it going for 13 weeks with no hiatus, that's a new record for me lol

I have recently hit 1k views on my novel <3

It's an illustrated novel inspired by nostalgia for monsters collectors anime, but with darker topics and LGBTQ+ Characters!

We're all in this together, @danitasibert.

thank you for letting me take the stage here,

You can consider me your new subscriber,

Thanks a bunch,



Here's a Fantasy, Adventure, War Story Novel that I have started since August 2020. Please give it a read when you have a chance!

Thanks for setting the stage @danitasibert

Wishing everyone else the best of luck with everything,



You guys remember the Before Times? I miss going to bars...and I used to hate bars.

Instead I have plenty of time to work on my novel, FRONTIER.

Do you want a dark fantasy about a group of friends who go on harrowing adventures together and have to rely on each other to survive? Oh good, cause that's what my novel's about. I include artwork each chapter. So far it's only chapter covers but in a few days I'll be adding nifty little info artwork that'll help expand on some aspects of the world as you read on.

I have one I can add, just updated with a new episode today! Check it out if you're into action/sci-fi!

I'm a queer mexican nb creator.
My comic is about gay magical boys with a mexican main character~
Check it out:

Hello! I've recently started posting chapters for the last book of my trilogy series 'A Whole Different Life'!

It's a novel featuring Eos, a girl who passed away in a tragic car accident before waking up in a new world called Balerion all while in the service of a Guardian (Balerion's form of a deity). All her life, she thought fantasy was as good as it could get! No rules, sleeping underneath the stars while there are countless adventures but, as with all things, reality proves to put a harsh stop to her ideals and force her to look upon the true world that she's reincarnated into.

She wanted an escape from Earth, she's got it but...sooner or later if things continue to go on the way they have been for the last 50 years. She may have just walked into a reality not too different from her old one.

Feel free to check it out!

15 days later

I've read your story once it was lit​:fire:
Maybe we could cross promote

Hello, I would like to promote my series.

Here's my new novel. First episode will be up on the 18th. Please support me.

This one's also my non-fiction series. It's a compilation of poems. :slight_smile:

Thank you for this thread. :thumbsup:

Want some lgbtq themed fantasy with a lot of teen drama and comedy? Here you are!

Mines a novel.

Hello guys! Let's help each other to reach our goals!

Finally, I fixed my techie issues on tapas and have the first 4 episodes of Circle of light and darkness posted. New episodes each Sunday!

I do have to leave the disclaimer that my novel might trigger a more sensitive audience. Please understand that light produces shadows. Before you start this adventure with me, I do begin my stories in the bleakest way possible.

This story has been traveling and co-habiting my thoughts for years, and now it is materialized.
I do have a very peculiar way of telling stories. The only thing I can promise you, it will eventually make all sense.

For those who will walk this journey with me, thank you so much for letting me share my made-up worlds with you and to have wasted a bit of your time with these creatures born out of my mind.

Each new episode will be posted on Sunday, Feedback is most welcome, and if you feel to message me, my DM's are open and friendly,

Once more, thank you <3

The novel can be found here:

Fantasy/Action/Comedy Comic Series presently at 124 Episodes and 217 Subscribers.

Fantasy/Action/Romance Novel at 67 Subscribers and 100 Episodes.

Fantasy/Action/Romance Novel presently at 222 Subscribers and 55 Episodes.

Hello! Quarantine gave me the push I needed to start my manga, and so here is my new series HOME UNCHAINED~ It's a fantasy adventure (kind of shounen style but not really) with a lesbian protagonist.
I just started it, and it will be updated monthly!

This'll be back next week with a the next saga

This, the novel, was updated yesterday