The Anime Trope System series: Genre- LitRPG, Progression Fantasy, Comedy, Romance, Eventually multiple love interests, eventually OP MC, dungeon crawling, Isekai, Mature, Monster girls, Slower modern World building
At the mercy of an unknown entity, Clyde gets tossed into the anime world. Satovia. Yes, it exists, we just don't know it. There, he's declared the Stone, the main character. One day he must kill the Viper or else, goodbye Earth. This is the comedic tale of a young man vs. cliché anime tropes. Yep, there's nothing like random anime girls falling in love with you...over anything, crazy Yanderes, or that girl with the absurd charisma stats.
But hey, at least he's able to level up, just like the RPGs. Will he find the true purpose of this cruel game or will the anime tropes consume him? The final boss awaits.
The path to godhood isn't going to be an easy one...until eventually Clyde becomes massively overpowered to the point of absurdity. If you love a balance between slice of Life, action, dungeon crawling, raids, absurd mechanics, boss battles, and the build-up to a scary family, don't pass this up.
This series pushes LitRPG to absurdity, reimagines and promotes cultivation, and from its darkest times of volume 1, rises to the making of the most powerful family in all of existence. Yes, it's an isekai...