1 / 21
Mar 2022

Greetings I am a writer, currently learning how to draw. I'll leave some work below as examples of what I can do, I'm inspired by the works of One (One punch), Hirohiko Araki, Nobuhiro Watsuki, Junji ito, Masashi Kishimoto, as well as folk lore from around the world as well as many other things. That's to give you a feel of how my works would be, here are my works.

I would like to get some character deigns done for the last link of my Sword Speaks to Me, like action poses, expressions, power moves, outfit deigns and so on. I want to at least have something in the works before I graduate. Thank you for your time reading this.

  • created

    Mar '22
  • last reply

    May '22
  • 20


  • 1.9k


  • 5


  • 15


  • 6


Hey, friend! I think you're probably not getting responses because it's not super-clear what you're after.

So you're looking for somebody to make detailed character designs for your comic you currently have a script for, and which you intend to draw? (You said you're learning to draw, so I assume you plan to be the artist), you want them before you graduate (probably need to give a date for that) and you're not paying the artist?

Is that correct?

No not detailed just sketches, I graduate in like 4 months, I can't believe I didn't put I only wanted sketches.

If you're looking for character designs, it might help to post character descriptions since the script doesn't convey much about the visuals. I've done free character sketches on the NaNoWriMo forums in the past, but they were almost always based on detailed notes/reference images.

eta: Lunch is soon and I'll have some time to kill. Post a description of Tsuki in the next 30 mins and I'll do up a quick sketch?

Omigosh I have this document, he's on the second page

Oh my gosh you don't know how much this means to be the outfit omigosh this is just thank you so much.

Wait do you have a platform I can talk to you on I wanted to ask you some questions.

You can ask here in this thread if you like! I'm not a manga expert but I'll try my best to answer.

How should I go about having someone work with me to do deigns and help bring the story to life?

Well, that depends on your age and situation, flexibility, and what kind of artist you're looking for.

If you're an adult with money to spare, you could commission an artist. Prices can range from $5-$200+ depending on the art you want and the artist's experience. Lots of artists post their rates on Insta and Twitter, or list their services on Fiverr (or other platforms I haven't thought of). This is the way to go if you have a solid idea and don't want an artist to suggest changes, just provide visuals.

If you're a kid (too young for Paypal), broke, and/or open to collaboration, you could try to attract a co-creator to work on your story with you. They'd potentially have input on story as well as design, and ideally you could share ownership of the ideas. Tbh it's a hard sell to internet strangers, but you might be able to find someone on the Tapas discord who's a good match for your interests and skills.

That sounds great, can you send me the link to it. Also would you happen to know anyone that would be up to collab on a project like this.

18 days later

I love how this place lends a helping hand. you guys helped me a lot when i didn't know much. ever though i still don't know now mcuh lmaoooo. my progress woulda been slow elsewhere

my webtoon or the story. if you see my account the one with the panels will be a full color webtoon with ne artwork so its gonna be different with a new artist