60 / 73
Mar 2021

Hi! your comic seems super interesting so far! I'm def looking forward to more. I've subscribed to your series. Here's my series! I would appreciate it if any of you guys gave it a look <3

Hi, I had a real different start to my webtoons then you did... Unfortunately my comic link was broken for the first few months.
I sub to yours it's interesting.

Hey @ScaryTerry,

I read your first chapter, I love how it done all by hand. That in itself is amazing although I'm not really into horror I've subbed to your series. I look forward to seeing the rest of the chapters and your art! Good luck moving forward.

Hello @maiishira04,

I've subbed to your webtoon I love the idea of different colors being used for different versions of love.
I look forward to seeing how the rest of the colors end up and also enjoyed your artwork very much it's calming and vibrant.
Good luck moving forward!

Hello @treefortcit,

That sucks I'm sorry that happened to you but I read some chapters and subbed to your comic. I've been enjoying the references thrown in your webtoon the Pokemon made me chuckle. Keep up the good work and good luck moving forward!

Hey @slowdownbaby3,

Well that was quite the first chapter your artwork is awesome as well as the plot. I look forward to reading the rest today. I've subbed as well, if you've subbed to mines thanks as well. Good luck moving forward!

your art style is so clean is and charming! I'm loving this story so far. subscribed! Here's my comic! It's a fantasy coming of age story about a girl who lives on an island once populated by dragons and now overrun by giant flies!

Hey @evaadderley,

Thank you for the sub and comments. I just read your first chapter and love how vibrant your colors are as well as piper nothing like a good sidekick. I look forward to reading the rest I'm subbed. Good luck moving forward.

Hey @Deby

Sorry for the late response yes I do have it on tapas as well!


Hello all! I will subscribe on your creations, and I will be very happy to have you subscribing on my novel:

Hey @alliciedragal

I loved how detailed your story is and look forward to reading more about her "curse" I've subbed. If you've subbed to mines as well I appreciate it. Good luck moving forward!

that's pretty cool my dude, well done
I'm not that much into slice of life, but that was highly entertaining, might have to make an account on webtoon so i can subscribble

my own comic just got an uptade, check it out if you want to
it's a gothic fantasy/horror

although, it is very much mature rated, so be advised if you decide to give it a look

Hey @FafasMcMelt,

Thanks for your comment we strive to make a lighthearted fun comic for everyone but I love the art and intensity from your comic I'm subbed! Good luck moving forward!

Hey there, @JamesClover, I subscribed to your comic of Triage for Love, congrats on making it over 300 subscribers. The characters and emotions you create in your comic work really well together. Here is my comic about two Bird Brains. Subscribe when you are able to.

I appreciate your support. :grin:

Can't wait to see everyone's work! Here are a few of my novels I'm working on.

Hey @tbh17q

Thanks for the sub, I checked out your comic and enjoyed the quick jokes especially the one about the tweet. I've subbed to yours as well, good luck moving forward!

Hey @KingKazon,

Thanks for checking out the thread. I was drawn to The Gray Stone Tower because of the connection to Alfred Tennyson and read some of the chapters. I subbed to it as well, good luck moving forward.

Thank you so much for checking it out and I'm honoured to have you as a subscriber! I'm really glad you enjoy it so far.

18 days later

The Connections
Blurb: In the beginning Humanity and energy lived as one. Humanity harvested pure matter from the environment to feed this energy and in return this energy gave the host an unique ability to help it survive, this symbiosis was called "The Connections". As humanity grew more prosperous and advanced in culture, so did the Connection's bond which could only be established through a moment of original creativity. Life on Toreoth was ideal, until the social hierarchy collapsed. This collapse was caused by humanity, which had expended nearly all of its original creativity. With this loss humanity lost the Connection as well. As the years pass, the connection get's established in fewer and fewer people, until one fateful day when the connection was severed entirely, but before that happened the connection was established in one person named Zach Carter. Given orders by the very connection itself, Zach and his friends must find and replenish the three source crystals that give the connection it's power and save humanity before a deadly sickness wipes humanity from existence.

Hello. Feel free to interact if you want a sub for sub :

Thanks for your support ! Just subscribed back. Sounds like a lot of reading is waiting for me, look forward to it !

Thank YOU for the support. I love hierarchy plots, anything with emperors, princes, betrayal, taking the throne and all that.

Check out my comics. I just uploaded the 7th episode of my comic, KIRA: A Star Wars Story Part 1.Also make sure to out my other comic, Geeking Around: The Webcomic. its based on my podcast of the same name. You can find it on YouTube or your favorite podcast app.

If you like to trade subs just like me know!

KIRA: A Star Wars Story Part 1

Geeking Around: The Webcomic