Fuchsia: *Watching Pierce leave before narrowing his pale eyes at Seok Which definitely makes me think you are hiding something. What gives? 
Trenton: Right. *He pulled out his phone with a scoff Hopefully she'll have some better suggestions.
*He took out his phone and dialed the appropriate number. Suri answered on the second ring.
Suri: Please, please, please tell me we're going!
Trenton: Pardon?
Suri: To the wedding! You got an invite, right? There's no way Adam got one and not us. I was invited right?
*She was. Technically the invitation was addressed to her and her 'stuffy old dad'
Trenton: Right... well, it would depend on your classes of course--
Suri: Seriously!? Who cares about my classes.
Trenton: *Mouthing silently to Sang Help me.