Jan 29, '15
Last Post
Jul 29, '15
Aug 3, '15
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Reiv posing for the picture [image] And if you feel more like drawing a girl, Lenya [image] That's my contribution!

I eat! xD and like @igneriss I also walk aimlessly around the house. When I am bored it is hard to find the motivation to draw anything

The Ninth Circle last updated: 28 of July, 2015 [image] TNC is a fantasy webcomic which tells the story of a group of humans trying to resist a war against Kalma, or hell in other words. Updates: Weekly

This is my OC Thalos anime-screenshot like....I love making this kinds of pics XD [image]

I wonder if that person in particularly was engaged in some kind of sword academy or practised ancient fencing as I do, or simply he was trolling LOL. Personally one of the first things I started hating about my fantasy webcomic the ninth circle , was the way I dealt the swordmanship. Because when I…

I feel you are too worried about the image you might project to other people :s Let's see, it's ok to feel jealous, it's human, let's accept it. As long as it doesn't steal your precious time and humour, or make you behave badly towards the person you envy, it's ok In my case, when I see someo…

Nope! I usually forget to look at the clock and I lose sense of time but my stomach doesn't, and he knows better than me when it is time to eat even if I dunno what time it is I am like a hobbit. My brain works separately from my stomach. EAT is fucking important. Shit, now I am hungry

here's mine! [image]

uhh this is so fucking nice! cute characters in awesome outfits

thanks for the review @keii4ii ! I found it very fair and helpful, you are quite right, even I have problems with my speech bubbles when reading my own comic again, it's so URGGGGGGGHJJ!! So, I am taking it seriously and I will try to arrange better speech bubble placement. Thanks <3 and @Cielle,…

I believe in Spinoza's God. Though I was baptised as catholic christian when I was born (tradition, you know) is not like I practice that religion at all, though I feel respect for it and I behave when I enter a church I respect all religions, and I like to know about them, their stories and pr…

Castilla La Mancha, Spain! aaaand creator of the ninth circle, a story held in nowhere but a place out of my imagination

Thanks @muhdreams and @Zannen00 !!! I found your reviews very fair and helpful (and it is true that right now there are more questions than answers given -_-U) let's see if moaar people wants reviews XD

yeah I had the same troubles! I was the last one, so I feel like it is my responsability then you should review @anakarenina (haytham) @Cielle (Reus) and me @Blacksanz (The ninth circle) and the next posting after you, should review you @keii4ii @anakarenina and @Blacksanz this way each…

@anakarenina I AM SO FUCKING GLAD TO REVIEW HAYTHAM Haytham is a fantasy webcomic with a very interesting plot. Characters: they are touching, human, with defects, weak and strong points, good and bad intentions. They are credible and you can feel sympathy for them. I specially like Annibal, and I…

because I no longer care for the story or it becomes extremely slow and boring I lose interest on what is going to happen next that is all...

The Ninth Circle, I chose it because of the allusion to the nine circles of Dante's hell in his Divine Comedy, from which I take some elements for my story Abbandon all hope, you who enter here! =D

page 65, this splash page is one of my favourites from the Ninth Circle [image]

Last page from "The Ninth Circle" a veeeeeeeery simetric one I guess? :/ [image]

shit, now I am hungry due to your wonderful photos ok now my photo, of my AWESOME russian salad, bad quality photo though, good taste [image] ingredients: boiled potatoes, peas, carrots, green beans, red capsicum, olives, tuna, maybe sweet corn, and MAYONAAAISSE. Serve cold! smiley

That's what I tend to do when someone tried to dissuade me from investing so much time in doing comics [image] Now, nobody bothers me with that.....

Communication without feedback it is not communication, so I always say thank you and look if my new subscriber has a comic that could possibly interest me, and well, I really like when I know that people is enjoying my story. I am not much of giving critiques because I know some people could be o…

I don't mind if I get the same pic as everyone in gratitude for faving a webcomic, it is better that than nothing at all D: but me as a creator, I thank people with a comment written in that moment. My words of course always include "thank you" and "hope you like it", but may differ from one user to…

Don't worry, I am the same as you, my studies have nothing to do with arts. But hey, every artist needs a bussines-man/woman to sell their art smiley

So many artists here! I nowadays haven't got any job ( T_T fuck my life) but! I've finnished my studies, and I've worked as a teacher, I've worked as a comic drawer for a while, and I'd like to work as a forester too.

u_u uh shit, thank you, I totally forgot. Here, The Ninth Circle

Wow, this is fucking awesome! You all have improved a lot! And now I feel like reading some of the webcomics above...hehehe Mine: Five years ago versus yesterday [image] [image]

Hi! I really appreciatte your innitiative... I have never received a review :/ and it would be nice to know somebody else's opinion, cause sometimes I feel I am not doing well with the narrative ^^U