Breaking free from "Reality"
Making Break Umbrella Webcomic:
LINKS: http://bit.ly/3JBLklC
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- Jun 21, '20
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- Apr 13, '22
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A waste of time, for now at least. I already spend a lot of hours on my job and my story will be long and will take a while to fully and properly realize; there isn't time for a healthy relationship, nor for the pain of an unhealthy/impossible one
I had "Tal" from when I was Talking Chalk, based of myself around my 18's [image] And now Brea, which is based on my second most favorite OC that hasn't appeared yet. I changed to Brea because I wanted to draw the OC mentioned more often, but she isn't coming like this any time soon [image] I wa…
I didn't have much time/brainpower to make one new this year, but I shared some used for a meme challenge last year: [image] [image]
Besides some joke about how indecisive I am to order a pizza on fridays, I tweet and comment only my drawings, WIPs, doodles, and updates on my comic and blog. I rather not talk about my issues in my social media as Breaking Chalk (besides the blog), because it becomes a vicious cycle in which I w…
Que onda! El quiebra-tiza aquí reportándose con el poder de la ñ!
From what I've seen hehe. Yellow is still cool though
I'm totally not biased, but purple is the definitive color, and is the reason why most people dislike yellow. This post was sponsored by the purple gang.
I try to explain something I've experienced during my life through them. Seymon being the MC has slowly become a very personal character, Stephanie and Salamon are based of all of my friends but focusing on different aspects while adding flaws to both of them and Seymon. Then there's Hotdogiano,…
I like titles that can sound like something else, and both things still have meaning to the chapter. Example BLOOD EYES: [image][image][image] BLOOD EYES serves as the Prologue to the reboot of my comic, following Alex Razor who can shoot laser beams, usually from his eyes, although making so do…
First and only: Xbox 360. I didn't know anything about games besides the dbz ones (I sucked at them), so I asked for Halo 1 2 and 3, which I thought were upgrades for the system. Only got Halo 3 and didn't play it after 3 months because I didn't know how to play FPS games, but once I understood how …
Depends on everyone's personal experiences, but to me, it felt hollow. First it was online, then like six months later, two events in which I was reminded of why I wanted to leave the place, and many other factors too personal for me to share here made that made the last year... empty. Hopefully i…
During 2020-2021 [image][image][image] Now with the reboot [image] I didn't expect to use this drawing as a cover, but it has the MC and important characters to his development, that it just worked well to add the title and make it the cover.
Now that I'm rebooting and am almost done with Chapter 0, I see a full chapter takes me around 3 months. That means that, as I am now I can get 4 chapters per year. The story seems to be aiming for 42 chapters. 11 years for the first Saga. There are other three I'm working on connected to thi story,…
Mostly working on the reboot of my comic, but also making more drawings for socials, from fanart to OC. Here are some: [image] [image] [image] [image] OC: [image] [image] [image] A page for Chapter 0 for the reboot [image] I feel these months have been the ones I've grown up the most as an…
I structured my comic with Tapas episodes(common uploads), then ACTUAL episodes or Chapters as I wrote in their covers (made of 6-8 tapas uploads), and they make for Arcs (around 4 to 8 chapters) and those arcs make for Sagas (with different protagonists, ala jojos) Although I'm rebooting my comic…
Bery Uice Meople Pere
OC Seymon from Break Umbrella (previously TMBD) [image] Been digging the whole red vibe of The Batman posters, but added Blue because of the story
Power toys can help you scale multiple files at the same time.
It's either sleep and and have 0 time on the comic, or not sleep and have 1 hour of effective work... Jk, if don't fall asleep, I sometimes get to draw 5 hours straight, but there are many factors: Food, privacy in my room, sounds from outside, if I took a bath in the morning or the night. I'm P…
That's actually an interesting take.
That's how I've feel lately. I want to have the time to only make my comics and drawings in general but there are so many factors that just make it impossible: - Having studied a different career - The need of getting rid of debts I need a job to do so - Fear that the internet won't like what I do/m…
A panel and WIP from "Chapter 0 - BLOOD EYES" for the reboot of my comic [image] [image] [image][image] [image]
Reminded me of a real life crush at the time [image]
Well, there was this point where I switched from cartoony to "realistic" because I didn't knew I could change my style until then. It wasn't fit for the style of stories I make now and it surely wasn't actually realistic nor pleasing to look at, but it did help me add more detail to my character d…
I got called by a potential reader for using the word "r-------" once in my comic when I've been called like that by "friends" several times. People can take these jokes differently depending from their country, race, religion, and upbringing, even more on the internet, with people from everywhere…
Oh they'll hate me! Mostly... With Seymon the protagonist after rebooting again [image] With Stephanie who is often angry [image] And Salamon [image] Seymon and Stephanie will definitely make me suffer [image] What Salamon would do to me: [image] I wanted to draw Salamon sitting awkwardly with …
¡La raza del rompiendo tiza anda aquí mi loco! Ahorita estoy en hiatus, pero calculo que a mediados de marzo ya debo tener mi siguiente comic listo, en inglés al menos. De momento ando subiendo mis garabatos en estos sitios: https://twitter.com/breakingchalk https://www.instagram.com/breakingcha…
Reminds me when I realized what "BL" and "GL" mean, two months after seeing them in comic thumbnails.
If I could summarize mine in an image, well it's been... [image] I have been drawing and making my own characters ever since I was 2, and eventually decided I wanted to make a story with them when I was 10, I already had some ideas and ever since started to make stories, sketches, fights with them…