
Cj Young

PLEASE SUPPORT ME ON PATREON! https://www.patreon.com/cjyoung24

Otaku, fangirl, homebody, writer, reader, gamer, daydreamer, all rolled into one creative marshmallow. An extreme anime and manga fan who loves writing a good story with depth and unexpected twists.
She dabbles in YA romance, fantasy, teen fiction, science fiction, thriller, and historical fiction, all with a nice PG-13 rating.

Lovingly dubbed Author-san by her fans!

@CJ Young on tapas.io
@cjyoung24 on wattpad

Mar 21, '18
Last Post
Jul 14, '21
Jul 14, '21
Trust Level
basic user

whoa! congrats! hope it went well :slight_smile:

I'm confused. Is kindle vella open to publishing on now? xD also, if it is, how has your book done so far? also also, FB groups are just kinda weird...

Honestly, it's not the artists who determine a trend it's the readers. To me, I see Tapas putting out very unique comics when they can, but if they don't show enough potential for that genre of style, then it doesn't make sense from a personal or business standpoint to continue with it. For inst…

So true! But old saying kinda make you want to laugh too, they always sound funny, yet so so true.

Exactly! Don't let everything you hear keep you down or shoot you down.

So, you mean it's a series with multiple books, with only the first one or first part completed? In that case, I do believe it's fine to pitch. I'm not sure if the submission says 80k min to pitch, or to publish. Usually they want the novel to be completed, or mostly complete before pitching. But I'…

Okay, so I've been feeling really inspired to talk about this lately. So, rejection sucks. We all know it, we've all felt it. In one way or another, it's hard to deal with. When it comes to your writing or your comics, it can be especially hard to stay motivated when you're feeling rejected. Howev…

Actually, some novels that get released have never been posted anywhere else before, so established popularity helps, but isn't wholly necessary. Tapas is still looking for lots of new novels that would be a good fit for their audience. So pitching your novel (if you have one completed, or mostly fi…

Hi there! I'm a premium author with 2 comic adaptions so far and a few novels. As far as I understand for those who are not yet premium authors, you're best bet is to pitch the novel for the premium program. They really want novels that can be converted into comics, so if you are able to join the pr…

Yeah, it doesn't help to complain, compare your works to others, or put anyone down, because there are SO many things that contribute to what you might consider a level of success. Every site you work with is different, every fan base is different, and every creator is different. A million factors g…

Have you tried pitching one of your books to Tapas for the premium program? If approved, you could earn royalties from that. And if the story does well, you can make decent money based on success. (I started as a premium author here a few years ago) StudioTapas, like mentioned, is also a good aven…

So, as a reader we likely all have a preference when it comes to comics or books. And as a creator we likely all know what we want to make. Or, do we? I see a lot of threads that talk about difficulty creating, promoting, and finding their next level of success. So, I thought I'd bring this back t…

Haha, it might sound like a silly question, but I mean it! What person/presence do you write or read in? I ask because for all of my books, I use third person. I'm not sure why, expect that some of my favorite books were written like that, and for me personally I find it easier to describe the cha…

You're always going to enjoy yourself the most when you're just having fun. If you're not having fun, it might be best to take a break. Stepping away and clearing your head can help in a lot of ways. I know it's not the only important thing, BUT readers can tell if you're writing something you don't…

Yeah, I mean I do understand that frustration. We've all felt it at one point or another. I think I gave up on the idea of becoming a writer by trade before I even really started my journey. That way I wouldn't feel too bad if it never worked out. But things are different for everyone. I've seen boo…

Well, again, I'm not saying I think it's right to push for something at the cost of all else. And if you think it's better not to pursue the option, then that's no one's choice but yours. Traditional publishing isn't for everyone, and I totally agree that it seems crazy hard to get your foot in the …

In the words of the Tim Allen in Galaxy Quest, never give up, never surrender!! Also, profitable stories do in fact get rejected. Harry Potter was turned down multiple times. Bet those agents regretted that poor choice after the fact, LOL. So you never really know, and that's why it's good to keep…

Thanks for that! Good info to know!! I'll have to take a look sometime soon.

You know, I truly believe Tapas could be a career itself. But what marks a successful career in each persons mind are different. So, I guess it depends on the person.

Tapas is def great for experience and learning. And with the forums and community it can help you connect with other artists. I once tried Wattpad forums, but their rules were so strict that I think they were mostly only for promotions, or really specific topics. Like, Historical Fiction, Romance, e…

Wattpad could possibly be a good place to host the novel as well and to do cross promotion. It's where I started, although it is pretty over saturated with fanfics and stuff...

Nice!! Yes, it is a new year and hopefully a good one for growing as a creator.

Wow, thanks! I'll take a look at this! ^-^ Yes, I'm not very good at talking in the forums lol. I mostly just hang around to see what other people are saying or doing. X-P

Ooooo, I see! Very exciting then! Can I ask, where would you start a project like that? And do you plan to solicit publishing companies like normal? I still don't know how that really works, since a lot of places don't accept unsolicited manuscripts anymore. Haha I guess your user pic gives away…

Haha, yes! Go hard or go home, as they say. But you know, with Tapas opening up Studio Tapas and other Tapas programs, it's actually holding out newer and bigger opportunities than ever before. Even for brand new writers and comic creators!

I've always wanted to do traditional publishing!! I just don't know where to start LOL. It's hard to get your foot in the door on an avenue like that. Yes there is Amazon publishing, but that isn't an end all, easy avenue either. What novels series have you published under premium?

Ok, so this is a question I've been wanting to ask for a while now. Where do you as a content creator put Tapas on your road to success? Is at the beginning of your journey, somewhere in the middle, or at the end? Is it a stepping stone, or your last stop? For me personally, I started out on Wattp…

I don't mind predictable stuff, as long as it's cute or funny. LOL, a sucker for cheesy rom-coms and the like. But don't get me wrong, I do enjoy a good fantasy novel with depth and such. Just not what I reach for most times. I prefer simple plots with a simple end. Not too much backstory, not too…

Yeah, of course. It's whatever works best for a person at the time. I've worked with Tapas for almost four years now, and I'm pretty sure I approached each book I wrote differently. Even my newest one is being done different than the rest of my stuff. Not sure if the story is what needs the change…

Yeah, I agree. I'm way more interested in character driver stories, rather than plot based. Mostly because when I myself am reading, I don't care as much about what's going on as I do about how it's affecting the characters or what they're thinking about it. When books get too plotty I actually te…