
Chan Ye


When i rock the UK South America gets horny

Read my comic Did You Water The Flowers?

Jun 13, '15
Last Post
Jul 17, '20
Dec 25, '20
Trust Level

hay. i havent updated my comic in a long time buuuuut i am active on instagram [image]

tho i have no room to talk since i havent updated my shit since a year ago but i dont do that mostly cause it just takes more time and that time spent making a character looking cuteter than the rest i could have been inking, coloring, paneling ect

noice. im canttel on insta [image]

doctors gotta to be better muses for artists!1

something i drew in 2014 [image] omg i was so proud too :blush: :sob: [image] something i drew recently [image]

i use alot of art discord, and deviantart forums is a good one to. aso gaia online art forums, beleive it or not are active.

honestly i feel like im about to do stuff that i have procrastinated on like 2 years ago.... with all this free time i might just do something i shouldve got done

oh hell no. im not even going to go there because 90% of my ships are just taking the hottest people in the story and playing barbie but ill read everyone elses.... [image]

when you have it in your profile bio so you're not worried [image]

in 09 i was like... a bean and i threw all my stuff away but i do have stuff from 5th grade [image] [image]

diddnt do much inktoober but heres some stuff [image] v [image] [image]

i love fantasy, or thriller, horror, mystery, comedy. im not a big fan of slice of life and romance. i like to think when i open a book i want to see something interesting and wacky and have my wig snatched right from me.

i like alot of styles... i guess thats why i slightly change my style every couple months on my insta. cant stand doing the same style over and over. for painting or for hot dudes i say yy6241 on instagram i wont show their art cause its all nsfw but its soooo beautiful and i dig their painting a…

thats an interesting perspective! i always thought lores something i can stretch my creative legs with. also good lore might land your comic on one of those comic theory youtube channels

pepsi V coke smh absolutely not :triumph:

thanks all for the help. i got it down to a neater process :blush:

i know alot of folks use clip here so i got this issue.... my comic size is big as hell. like 4000x 8000 big. ofcourse no comic site is going to take this file size so i tried changing the resolution and it just made things so... blurry.... i tried pasting everything to a clean page and just doing …

When i get that way i use my emotions for inspiration

what? how? i went to my comic dash and clicked the thumbnail, name and general box of the episode and it would not move.

if you want a quick and easy method, sum up your whole story then find a line where one of the characters says something that is basiclly that summed of version and make that line condensed into a name.

nop. i just post character design art and spoilers on mine. but that is a good idea

this has been mentioned many times before but uh, has team tapas thought of putting a rearrange tool in the comic dashboard? there has been so many times where i deleted a page just because it was arranged wrong.... help a brutha out..

i think if your peaking study more.when i dont draw often and i start up drawing again my drawings look like dirt so i expect that. also could maybe be interest or passion not truly there. thats just my thoughts

Im not sure a story i have in mind will be picked by them. Sure, it might be marketable but i dunno, i think they may turn it down. Its a story ive been thinking and noting on for a year. Im thinking about combing it with other stories ive thought on to create one big juicy story.

i listen to just about anything. news, creepasta readings, music, other story readings, ect. i listen to phillip defranco on youtube for news and if i want a more in depth take on the news i do my own research i listen to mrcreepypasta or some top 10 creepy channel for pasta readings music, …

nahh i just link to where they can see art from the comic. i dont post fanart on the comic page.

i love lore. i want to incorporate it as much as i can

its common. and i delete them off my page immediately.

i like them but i do get mad when its constant. cliffhangers keep me interested and it hypes a cool story!

wow thank you! i havent even heard of this program yet it seems very interesting. thanks for the pitch and concept art it really helps.