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- May 8, '20
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- Mar 5
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Hello soraking999999, I would love to hear more about your project! I love fantasy action stories, and I often make book covers for writers. Please check out my portfolio link below. I have also attached a book cover commission I did semi-recently for a client so for your convince. Please feel fr…
Some behind the scenes peek for my next project! [image]
Doing some more sketching for my comic. I am really loving some of these camera shots I am getting. [image][image]
I love the bold shapes of your furniture!
Just working on some tumb-nailing for my next comic project. I'm prob. gonna change this a bit later. [image]
Ill drink to that! Cheers! Being serious though, burnout is no joke.
You said you are looking for collaborators, but what area are you looking for? I see that you mentioned production and writing, but can i get some more specifics? Are you looking for editors, colorists, inkers, etc.... That would be really helpful for anyone who is looking to work with you.
Hi @wesleyedwards10, I would love talk more about your stories. Are you looking for a longer running series, or a string of multiple shorts? I see that on your website your art style has quite a bit of personality. Portfolio: https://www.artstation.com/cj-spieth-illustrations Speed: roughly 5 p…
Hi there, I have emailed you a link to my portfolio. Feel free to message me back if you have any questions. Portfolio: https://www.artstation.com/cj-spieth-illustrations [image][image]
Hi, This project sounds super cute! I love what you are trying to go for! Just DM if you are interested. Portfolio: https://www.artstation.com/cj-spieth-illustrations [image][image]
What about a monster scares you the most? What makes a good horror experience for you? I'm writing something for DnD and I want it to be fun and scary. I have a few ideas, but I would love to see the community's answers about what they find scary/interesting in horror/thriller stories. [image]
Wow, the one on the left is so pretty! I love the colors!
Here is a screen shot from the project I am working on.
I love your art style!
Well, when ever it is ready, I would love to see it.
How cute! I subbed to your channel. Love to see the other work you make.
Hai hi! Your idea for your book cover sounds super cool. If you are still looking for an artist, I would be happy to help you. Feel free to DM me, and then I'll give you my discord so that we can chat about the project. [image] [image] [image]
Yes I agree, are you still searching? If not can you post that this has closed. Possibly?
Wow, crazy how long this thread has been going! I feel like its been over a year or so. [image]
If you practice your technical fundamental some more you will find that your ability to change up your style become easier. Since a 'style' is an interpretation of a technique. (learning the rule to learn how to break the rules kinda thing) [image]
I know that we all got your amazing stories to share, and that is great! However, what about the other things that you do? I would love to see the other things you all make. Got a shop, post it, got a Youtube account? post it. I want to see what other cool things you have to offer, and I'm sure you …
gotta love some fluff ♫ [image]

This is very specific to my life. XD I needed a mental health break, and it came out of nowhere.
As someone who works at a printing company. You really should use a standard size and read the direction of your publisher. PLeasE ReAd tHe DiRectiOns! Seriously, your printers will love you. Not only will it make their job easier. It will be cheaper for you as well.
@RedLenai Cat, but also like maybe a bird. @BLTX Specifically a small scrappy dog. @liaroger A cat, for all those mice on the ship Ahiko [image] Rokuzo [image]
Solid advice. I agree.
As someone who as sold at a few shows, I would like to say that bookmarks have been going really well for me. You can get a cheap laminator and sell them for pretty cheap. Because you can get about 4 bookmarks per 1 standard sheet of cardstock (8.5 x 11). I noticed that these are popular with the yo…
Mine is a dark fantasy action comic. If you look at it, let me know what you think
Oh Yeah, I just updated not to long ago.