
Lord Tempest


Magical black girl living in a lonely world.

Tapas Premium author of Fangs & Fractals. No DMs.

Sep 8, '20
Last Post
Jun 13, '21
Jun 30, '21
Trust Level

Best of Luck. Hope you get in :slight_smile:

Yeah it's the random part that's getting to me. Like I don't wanna spend time writing a kick ass piece of flashfiction if there's not gonna be any kind of judging.

Understandable, wouldn't want to burn yourself out. I'm not doing much beyond planning for Camp NaNoWriMo. And, I've banged out a 1k word flash fiction in a day several times in the past, so it would be too much trouble.

I haven't decided either. I've never had any luck with contests so.....

Any of you doing the lucky encounter contest thing?

Yeah [:sweat_02:] I did manage to get about 2 months worth of buffer done on one story, so that's good.

ONC is still a thing? Dang. What are the prizes this time?

Checking in. Spent most of this month editing, and prepping to start posting again. It's been rough and I don't think I've put enough of a dent in either story. [:sweat_01:]

It's a very emotional chapter, and MC can only experience emotions on a mental level since they don't have a human body, so it's difficult to make emotions come across without just saying it.

I've been editing my NaNo project. Seven chapters deep and I've hit a wall. [:sweat_01:]

I'm hoping to get one or two chapters on Courting the Night done today. Thankfully it's the holiday season so I won't be pressed for time.

Been a while since I could actually sit around and talk to people. It's been such a busy few months with NaNoWriMo and whatnot. But I'm working on posting something "new" to Tapas. Just gotta get the chapters ready. I made a cover today. [image]

Just popping in to congratulate you on the Watty win! Ok bye!

When one traps the other against the wall with their arms (and it's not consensual).

I write for my own enjoyment and amusement, whether or not people like it is just extra really.

The main character of Fang & Fractals is bilingual English/Spanish. But he's lived in the US most of his life and has been around english speakers most of his life, so his thoughts are in English.

I started planning my NaNoWriMo project last night. :relieved: I still need to dig up more names for characters and places.

My advice for questions like these is to go to the group you're trying to represent. Now, to answer your question, I wouldn't say it's egregiously offensive but it's a little tone deaf. And some have hit on these points earlier. The giving BIPOC people euro-centric-esque features has been a point …

I let the readers do it for me.

My novel, Fangs & Fractals got featured under Staff Picks this week. [:hype_01:]

To piggyback off the hating on popular creators point. :point_down: Another creator's success is not your failure. It's easy to feel jealous when all the people around you are getting opportunities and it feels like you're being left behind. But you if you put all your energy into shaking your fist and grindi…

It's the weekend so I'm getting updates ready. I've finished one for F&F, so two more to go. Then I have to finish one for Wattpad. I wanna get started on my plan for NaNoWriMo this week too.

Thanks for all the love Domi <3

Where I'm from black moths are considered lucky. If one touches you (not you touching it or forcing it to touch you by getting in its way), you'll get some money in the near future.

One of my main characters is a villain so uhhhh.....

The biggest benefit for me is having a bunch of content that I can upload later. [:smile_01:]

Thanks [:blusht:] It's not what I originally envisioned but still dope.

Here's the cover. [:hype_01:] [image]

I've already made a cover for my NaNo project. Can't wait to jump into getting my plan together.