
Ⴑ Fever Fells


"You're only given one little spark of madness,” Williams said. “You mustn't lose it.”

Aug 8, '22
Last Post
Nov 11, '22
Apr 27, '23
Trust Level

Because Halloween never ends. Also i dont feel comfortable posting potentially spooky stuff in Sketch or Finished work threads so i decided to make one dedicated to the art of Horror. Show me your spooky stuff, dont be shy... you're safe here. [image] [image]

To this day, scientists still do not know how ocean eels reproduce. But they do know that they all migrate in masses to what is to believed to be spawning grounds and return in greater numbers. One of these spawning grounds is suspected to be the area known as the Bermuda Triangle.

It is lovely and very much appriciated

0.2 version Chipping away at this page. [image]

The sketch is in the br... I'm erasing to reveal an image. [image]

Hehe hehheheh. butt

[image] I apologize. I saw an opportunity and I took it.

That's a good shot. (Posts must be atleast 20 characters. -_-)

Thank you. Your responses help me push through.

Nearly complete page for the intro. Deadlining myself for Halloween to upload it. Wish me luck. 15 pages. Gotta open it to see it fully... [image]

A sketch for a frame i am going to use. Don't worry... unicorns don't exist. ...anymore. [image]

I think you have a really good hook here. And just like the previous comment or said, be super interesting to see how he adapts to tackle obstacles. If your having trouble, just ask, "what would batman do?"

"All Men are capable of becoming Monsters." -Song of the Shadow City

Depends on the end game and how your MC interacts with the world imo. If the world is bleak and everyone is against the character, there should be growth or a shift in power as the story goes. Fix what's wrong. Think of a Dark room, your setting. Imagine a single light bulb in the center hanging…

A woman payed me a visit on a vast sea with no waves. Hundreds of sun's big and small scattered across the void of sky we stood under. As she spoke her very voice sparked her skin aflame- and with every unrecognizable syllable, the flames grew higher. The words, although foreign to any tongue I've h…

Synesthesia. Give me music and I'll give you worlds.

More trip. I draw a good amount of my sketches on post its and then translate them digitally. [image]

I.... I really like this.

More studies, trying to simulate something. [image]

Trip can't read people, which gets him into perpetual trouble. Gnat can't read... period. [image]

A horse trots into a bar. The bartender laughs and asks " why the long face?" The horse responds, "Jesus Kevin, I'm going through a divorce enough with the damn horse jokes."

So far this, I haven't uploaded anything if this adventure or story on tapas just of yet, I am compiling a good batch of chapters before I present. But I like the way this one came out, just from the bits I wanted to show and hide. [image]

You are not a failure. You are learning. Lost my first job in 2011, wrecked me. The hardest thing to do is not beat yourself up, continue to gain confidence and find new work. It's hard feeling like your not wanted, despite the situation. One day you'll be able to leave a job with confiden…

Apparently the forum doesn't like Bette Midler. [image]

Yep. Trying again. Deleting the old. [image][image][image]