

Nov 24, '18
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May 21, '20
Apr 11, '24
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how tf is a fault in our stars on this list?

It's most likely just Eventual Consistency rearing it's ugly Computer Science head. Don't stress it's normal on the internet like when a tweet bounces around the wrong number of likes and retweets.

Uh not particularly everythings fair game if you're confident putting it up then it's gotta have something to it

Honestly that was sorta my goal, it's for my podcast so idm looking through a couple hundred. Mb for not being clear

Hey I've been looking for some comics that are pretty good but not seen by a lot of people to show off to some friends. Any amount of subs is fine I just want something with an interesting enough story and cool art. Shout Out Your Comic or any of your friends Stuff

Fucking yes I would, would probably be cheap since horror is oddly low cost

Yo I'd like to talk to some LGBT creators and creators of BL/GL, even better if you fit both those categories. It's for a video I'm working on and I realised that I'm so disconnected from the scene that while my opinions might be correct getting the voices of people who're more aware on the topic wo…

yo bit of advice when charging for pages tell them how many panels are in a page so they know how much they're paying for

I think being attracted to cynicism is something that only happens because we know that as people we are only driven by self-interest.

In the case of most popular fictional worlds Blue would kill like most people around you if not most of mankind(Especially if you're a bleach fan). So I guess Red but that's just in most fictional worlds transportation seems to be a non-problem

That's a shout maybe I'll try finding if there's some local artists society or something and work from there. Also I'll see if they've got more than twitter and insta but thanks for that advice. I was a bit stumped so this has given me somewhere to work from

I think that's it because honestly it's a bit of an annoying thing cause we designed it all around this artist cause they said they were open to commissions but its a 4 digit project cause of size and volume of work and amount of changes. Since they live locally, ah well I'll tweet at them but I wil…

I mean an email is for official stuff right? not casual messages

We tried something unique for us with the colour so idk if unique enough but eh

Oh damn it's beta thanks for the advice I read I wish I were you from time to time. Keep up the good work didn't know about Lamp-Chan

So I've been trying to get in touch with an artists whose work I like to ask them to do some formal rather high paying work for a school nearby me and I finally noticed Artists at least the ones I tend to look for don't put an easy method of communication around. I personally think Instagram isn'…

A chapter is one upload at least on webtoon and I'm assuming 8-15 panels per chapter

I figured as much, I guess my 5 or so chapter about 8-12 panels each Slice of Life is a test XD

Learn punctuation MMS ya dingus

One very appropriate gif... applause Two, I only ask because I've been on a bit of a keeping things as short as possible to allow me to explore a genre to a point and then move on to something new so I just want to know what I can before going into the SoL genre for something that I already wrote …

Ah I see what would you say for Slice of Life comics though?

Genuine question do you think there is a minimum number of panels or pages for the reader to start caring about a character in any meaningful way? Just read a rather short comic script and I found myself really liking and caring for the main character in about 15 chapters but wondered if there was…

Not even kidding here I learned to type consistently without using my dictation software. It was becoming a crutch I basically never wrote or typed just dictation software and a lot of skill with using it. I wrote and edited my first video, it's kinda shit but the next one is coming out and it's w…

das some real talk right there I'll use that at the end so I sound experienced and dependable

Yeah I figure that's what they do I don't run it though I got invited cause the teacher who runs it heard my podcast and thought I was qualified for some absurd reason so I figured leverage the community to look more koala-ified than I am XD

I'm giving advice in a Year 7-9 comic art club in about a week or two (depending on the principal) and figured might ask more experienced creators while I was at it for what kind of advice they'd give if they were in my situation btw year 7 - 9 is like 12 - 15 or so also there will be some older k…

So nice, ask me anytime love.