Jon Gum
Creator of graphic novel: Carpenter: The Vampire of Red Hook. Available to read now! Updates Saturdays.
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- Nov 13, '20
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- Dec 18, '20
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I personally would never resurrect a character from the dead. It effectively destroys any depth of meaning behind a death unless of course it was always the plan to bring someone back in a believable way. If I were you perhaps plan out a serious event like that ahead of time.
I have a lot of women in my comic, not to say men don't play a part in my story, but there is a larger amount of women in my story. [image] [image]
Here's my series! If you like Vampires, Superheroes, Noir, Action, or mystery, this may be the series for you! [image]
Check this out!
I just like how matter-of-fact Harvey Dent can be. I think it can be both, because how can he be so detached from human emotion and empathy that he has to obey a freakin' coin? I think that's what's so great about the line.
Horror / Action / Mystery / the whole lot... not sure where to place this, but I'm sure it's got a little bit of everything for someone. To me, I just enjoy a well told story.
I mean aside from my character being named Noelle Carpenter, I guess the title could reflect a lot of the reversible symbolism I have in my story. There's a lot to do with opposites. Noelle means birth of the Lord or Christmas. Carpenter is a maker of things. My character is more of a Devil wh…
I felt like I had to finish the graphic novel before I released anything, because now I'm working on the second one hopefully I can create more posts before my first book wraps on releasing.
Hey Pearl! I just got done finishing reading your comic and I gotta ask... was your character spawned from a DC roleplay...? Because SO WAS MINE! I'm just saying because I noticed in one of your earlier drafts I saw that he was part Kryptonian. You have an interesting story so far, I spotted a typo …
So this is a long con for me, but I have a like 6 graphic novels written out for my current on going series: "Carpenter" and I'm currently in the middle of drawing the second one, but a phrase in each book is "In due time." It's just a subtle little thing that makes it my own.
"Sorry, Batman. The coin came up tails."
Perfectionism is the death of creativity.
This is excellent. Love your dynamic poses!
Okay, well I had no idea what the heck BAME was... or a lot of those terms. I wasn't aware that my identity would fall in line with any group of people that you could just categorize as a minority since there's billions of Chinese people. But I guess if I'm going to fall in the category of exclusive…
Well for one, I think the way you're going about it is healthy and will keep you focused. I have so many ideas for comics and I have ideas for comic collaborations with friends as well, but right now all my focus is on my main comic, Carpenter. I can understand that ambition to work on multiple t…
Yo... I forgot about this.
Well, I'll say it was a personal observation. DOA did it, a lot of anime's out there had wedding dress promotional art for some reason. I might think it's to encourage young Japanese to get married and make babies, if I were to hazard a guess.
So for the longest time I didn't get the whole wedding dress fetish that a lot of Japanese are seemingly into... until I saw Ryuko in one and everything just clicked. [image]
@Llyrel that's crazy! I made my character back in 2015 as well and started writing the story about the end of 2016! I began drawing my graphic novel in March and I wrapped up 142 pages in September. I released my comic 10/10/2020! Really happy with the reception so far!
I know a few friends who draw from life and there's nothing wrong with that. But I personally never went to war, I'm not a cop, and I don't have anything resembling experience in any of those fields, but I think when it comes to jobs for your character it has to serve your story first and foremost. …
So I haven't gotten to this part in my comic yet, but I thought I'd share a little bit of the action going on in one of my pages. [image] You can read it here!
Lol 80's sitcoms aren't exactly in. The Office is more of a show I expect people to know. But I do have another cameo that's technically not an extra but more of a reference. I have references to a bunch of my favorite shows in here. [image]
Oh what?? People actually know Cheers?
Sooooo I'm sure not everyone here knows about Cheers, but if you do I have a visitor frequenting in my comic. [image]
Hope you like getting bombarded with advertisements on my comic! https://www.instagram.com/jgumcomics/
This is a great idea!! Here's my graphic novel, I'm updating every weekend. https://indiecomicdatabase.com/?p=14975
Lol, much appreciated! She actually does have a lot of sensual elements to her that comes about later on in the story when romance gets involved, but certainly not in this first season. And I didn't mean it to be diverse, it just ended up that way, I just want to tell a good story before anything.
Holy SHIT your art is gorgeous. I'm sorry you're not seeing the growth you want, I totally get that. I saw another one of your posts asking about promotion, but I just want to say good fucking job! I'm the same way, I have a large backlog of comics that I'm waiting to post as well and can't wait top…