
Jun 12, '21
Last Post
Sep 3, '21
Oct 30, '21
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I checked it out, had to read all three chapters and sub! I hope to see how this story develops :slight_smile: If you wanna check mine out:

Thank you very much! The point about the synopsis especially. Good luck on your book! I'm open to hearing about your plans when you are ready to talk about it :slight_smile:

Cool, I'll try to DM you either tonight or tomorrow. I you wanna check out my comic here it is:

Hey! Just subbed to you and read a few pages. I know your words were towards OP, but would you be interested in feedback here or somewhere else?

Already subbed to you, but wanted to contribute to your post :slight_smile: My MC Naomi is afraid of promises (not cheesy right?) primarily because broken promises are a big part of the story

Thank you for your contributions so far! Subs aren't everything; like and comments count for growth too. I would very much see what you like (or even don't like) in my comic if you ever have the time :slight_smile: Here's my story:

Subbed, mainly because I'm into stories with Asian-American characters right now (yours says American of Korean ancestors, but that counts right?) So I'll try to read some more when I have the time :slight_smile: Here's my story, which also features characters of Asian descent:

Subbed to both! And aside from promotions, I wanna say I really am in love with your character design :slight_smile: Here's mine if you could check it out:

Subbed and gave the first few chapters a quick read! It's a novel all right, and by that I mean it's length is more like a book than the short stories you tend to see around here (not a bad thing though!) I also notice the use of religious symbolism (Judas, Solomon, etc) and am interested to see how…

Subbed and liked your episodes! Hope the best for you and your journey :slight_smile: . Here's mine if you can check it out:

Just subbed! The art really complements the writing :slight_smile: And the first chapter... I feel for the poor guy already

Coo! I'll check it out in a bit :slight_smile:

Just subbed and liked some! Interesting choice of spacing between lines btw :slight_smile: Here my comic if you wanna read:

Are you a fan of Naruto :wink: Also, senzu noodle soup... I can't put my finger on it, I could have sworn I've seen something like that somewhere :thinking:

Takes me back to the days of stick games :slight_smile:

Of course I'd help you out! You got one more sub from me :slight_smile: Here's mine if you can check it out:

Very cute! I subbed to you too!

Thank you! I subbed to you as well :slight_smile:

Cool! I subbed to you too!

Just subbed!. Character art is your strong suit :slight_smile: Here's mine too:

Just subbed to your Webtoon! Here's mine if you wanna check it out:

Subbed to you, and here's mine! If you like it, yay sub! If not, please tell me how I could do better :slight_smile: [image]

Likes, sub, and comments for you! But seriously, I really do like the story and art for what it is haha. Here's my story too!

Haha obligatory Japanese schoolgirl uniform :slight_smile:

Haha say no more fam. Just wanted to say, in the first few sentences of the first chapter, I think you meant to write "breasts' instead of "beasts" :slight_smile:

Just subbed! Beautiful cover, and the potential to draw people into history :slight_smile:

I subbed to Chion and Kobi! Very cute, and the backgrounds are very well done :slight_smile:

Cool! Could you post a link?

Very cute! This could very well be on a newspaper

Just read some of the first few paragraphs! I think some of the grammar is a little funky, but I do like the atmosphere described. I can be more specific if you need me to, but generally my favorite thing to do is read the dialogue aloud so you can tell what sentences need to be more natural. Anyway…