
Skyla Tapiti



Oct 14, '19
Last Post
Jun 11, '21
Feb 24, '22
Trust Level

Oh dang that's actually like super cool. I'll be honest, I totally forgot about this lol! Very very nice!!

The bipedals wait quietly amongst themselves.

((Alright, I think I'm ready to RP for a bit. Sorry for my inactivity

((I'm free. Unless my bf decides to call me. I get off at 3 my time

Are you posting to Tapas? Because as long as it isn't too realistic it should be fine, they really care more about things like sexual nudity. And if it is very realistic, just censor it and/or post it somewhere else. I mean, all you've really gotta do is blur out any organs or whatever. Blood has…

I've said this before on another thread, but I feel it's appropriate to mention here. The flagging and removal system needs some major adjustments. It occurs way to often that an episode in compliance with the censorship requirements gets taken down, while another episode with similar or worse conte…

I love it how all the professional manga-kas use blunt pencils on lined paper so it's f​:heart:cking impossible to read.

My graphics design professor would literally deduct points if we used comic sans. So you know I love to see it in web manga.

I'm glad you brought this up, because most non-Wacom tablets that have "wacom quality" reviews are illegitimate. Companies like Huion and XP-Pen are notorious for sending people free tablets in exchange for good reviews. I've used two Wacoms and currently use an iPad Air with pretty damn satisfact…

This is my current cover (doubling as a thumbnail lol): [image] Here's my old cover, which was just replaced today [image] And here's my comic! It's not very far in yet so it'll be a quick read ^w^"

I love how absolutely dumb Shilo looks in the old versions. Also he looks so big like, c'mon, lil man's only 2'9" :joy:

My childhood friend's mom had vitiligo, and I remember she was extremely pale and wore sunglasses, and I believe she sunburned easily. She was pale skinned as it was, but also had white patches all over. I also had a classmate who had vitiligo but only in his hair and I think like a couple coin-size…

I've played with this idea, actually. I'm told I'd be a ferret [image][image] As far as role goes, I think I'd just be a normal civilian in the ferret village. I don't wanna get tangled up in the MC's story, I'd die ;w;

Eating some kettle cooked bbq potato chips. [image]

I'd like to see them implement a fail safe with a human mod who examines content in question. Like Instagram.

((Kittyfox. Because I'll be too busy with my relaunch today and it won't be fair

((Spot for what?

I drew a new design for Sisu (using the official 3D model as a base, of course) [image]

Character gets a chance to escape but runs right back into the murder house or whatever in attempts to save another character so basically they both die. Instead of one escaping and returning with help.

((That's because he hasn't done anything to trigger Martin yet. He's the most brutal of the three and probably the most mentally broken. He won't think twice about his own safety, he'll just f​:heart:cking go off. But Kaeru has not bothered him and has really only piqued his curiosity

((Why Norman?

"I have no problem with staying out of his business, princess." Norman coldly suggests.

"Hey, you were the one who started getting into my business!" Alise shouts back. "I-I'd like to help." Martin says meekly.

"I don't think I need to. But since you know what's going on seemingly, why don't you redirect us as to where we should be right now." Alise says. Her guards have their teeth bared, still on the lookout.

"Isn't it stupid to be standing out here?" Alise crosses her arms, her melded karambits now visible. A ridiculous looking weapon indeed, it's even rhinestone encrusted, but at least it makes her feel like part of the crew.

"Soooo, what your saying is....assassins can just vanish into thin air here?" Alise replies, a little annoyed herself. "Great! I'm never getting back home!"

"That was weird." Alise blinks. She lowers her arms and her blades along with it, which glint sharply but the handles are wrapped in glittery pink ribbon.

He stops smiling and returns to his usual resting grump face. "Not at all," he answers, "unless some assistance was needed in roughing the perpetrator up a little bit." Martin winces.