
Queenie Alexander


I'm Queenie, a budding writer and friendly editor.
I write LGBTQ+ stories with hopefully interesting characters and at least semi-relatable plot.

You can find my first posted story here:

Jul 22, '20
Last Post
Feb 26, '21
Apr 28, '21
Trust Level

Hi! Thanks for the reply! I have done beta reading before without any compensation (maybe it was foolish of me but I love editing work and it was great practice), but yeah that would be a fair idea. Luckily, I have managed to solve my issue and found the info I needed, so I am closing this topic …

Hi! Thanks for your reply! No, I'm not looking for an editor at the moment. If this novel ever goes into publishing (something I highly doubt), I'll get an editor and fork out the money to help me beat the plot and text into a publishable shape. :slight_smile: What I currently need is someone who is willing …

Hi Guys! I have come across the problem of not being able to find some information about seemingly unimportant parts of my novel Liability because I forgot to add it to my notes when writing a chapter. facepalm So, here I am looking for a beta reader who is more along the lines of helping me with …

If anyone is interested, Chapter 69 of Liability was updated just yesterday (updates every Monday and Friday 5PM PST)

Just a quick idea that came to me. Can I add a short message to my recipient somewhere in the gift (preferably at the beginning)?

Almost done with mine, but the words keep coming :sweat_smile:

Thanks! I couldn't edit it sadly, so I filled it out again. :slight_smile:

I tried but it took me back to the starting point to fill the form out. >_< @jjfresh should I fill the form out again?

Omg, I'm an idiot, I'm so sorry! I signed up via the Google Form but totally failed to provide references for my characters. :cry: Can I somehow add them still?

Yeah, once you're popular enough a Patreon is a good way to earn money and provide extra content for your readers. :blush: Until then a FB Group can help you share what you have but can't post here. For example, I compiled my story into two PDF files (one explicit and one censored) for easier access to tho…

I've found that creating a Facebook Group, while not largely helpful with promotion, allows me to share exclusive content with my readers that I wouldn't be able to otherwise. I guess it's also easier to interact with those who wish to contact you or be more active in a direct way without hitting yo…

Hahaha, Canva is useful like that. Still, great job! :smile:

Ohh, I'll definitely check yours out! I love the cover btw and I'm looking forward to reading the story! :heart_eyes:

I'm not sure if you're interested, mine is a mafia really slow-burn novel set in New York and was inspired by the manga Gokusen for the base story. Just a tad bit darker and BL. Title: Liability Genres: BL, Mystery, Action, Contemporary Summary: In the eyes of the public, Rhys Martinez is the darl…

Hey guys, you are all amazing artists, and thank you for sending me your work! For this project, I managed to find my artist but I will certainly reach out once I will get the chance to work on other ones as well!

Woow! Thank you for the offers! You are all incredibly talented! <3 I'll do my best to figure out the style I think would be most suitable for the story and will get back to you guys. ^_^

Hey Guys, I'm Queenie and I am a BL writer. I'm looking for an artist who could draw me a new cover for my already published novel Liability. I did my best but I'm no artist, and I would love it if I could use a more webtoon-like cover for it with my characters featured on it. I can provide you wi…

That's okay, I guess we just see things differently and have different preferences. :slight_smile:

Reading popular fiction (at least in my book) doesn't equal reading low quality (although, I'm first to admit G. R. R: Martin's A Game of Thrones (never got around to read the other books) was too jarring for me to read. I know many readers hail him as this genius author and plot master, but I could…

There is a good possibility of that, yes. because the multitude of English tenses and aspects is natural to you, not to mention as an L1 English speaker you have been exposed to printed English stories generally written in the past tense since you were little, it is what you are more comfortable w…

That might be part of it, true. Then again, how do we define being well-read? Can we only qualify if we are avid readers of the great classics or if we prefer complex, plot twist filled, emotionally wrecking stories? The age of the majority of online readers is statistically low, so it's not a surpr…

Writing in first person in a way that's not a running mental commentary is hard in my opinion because essentially, even when the writer tries to give a voice to their protagonist, it is rare that they do not bleed into the character and essentially project what they want to portray directly. It is n…

You're right. It's curious because nearly a decade ago one of my Lit professors, who worked as a literary translator as well, asked us during a class what we think of narration in the present tense as well as of writing in first or second person. Back then, I'm not even sure it was possible to get a…

In my experience choosing the tense really depends on the setting of your story. I have written stories in both past and present tense, and while I have a preference for writing in the present tense for it giving me clearer paths when I have to shift between tenses for narrating purposes, it doesn't…

I totally feel you! Sometimes I have no idea where I should cut up my chapter because it was written as one unit originally. XD

More or less, yes, but cutting chapters up depends on where you can reasonably make the division for a chapter to still make sense instead of just cutting off somewhere. XD

I feel you! I generally keep my original fiction chapters below 4k words if I can help it, but even that's too long here. xD Still, it's a fun challenge.

Hey guys, I'm from Wattpad, too, and love the scheduling options here as well as how popular BL stories are! ^_^ One thing I'm still trying to figure out is how to work around the length of my chapters, but I guess breaking them into two parts is my only option.