Hey! I'm the creator of Paraphoria, Candy Man, and Insignificant Speck. I enjoy writing and drawing mostly horror related stories. https://tapas.io/series/Paraphoria
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- Aug 6, '18
- Last Post
- Apr 7, '19
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- Apr 25, '19
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We were actually taken by force and suddenly woke up on a carriage
Name/s you go by (username is fine) "Sean" at the moment haha Your sexuality, gender, age , status (single,married, in a relationship, etc) Male, 20, I'm pretty sure I'll die alone Webtoons or Tapastic or Both? Why? I like Both for different reasons What are the art programs you use/equipment y…
Love them! Some, I love to talk to or befriends with and some I love to hit with a metal bat...on the face. So yeah, either way, love them.
I still have troubles with the consistency of the characters in my comic especially on the earlier Eps. Though with time, I think my hand's getting the hang of it.
I don't. I'm broke as heck and ink ads are scarce so I just use my IMAGINATION and think what the story looks like in a series of panels. lol
Basically all the stories I've ever made. Sometimes I ask myself first like, "Will I regret this after?" "yeah probably." But I still do it anyways because I like to suffer.
That Ash Ketchum is still 10 years old.
From a recent page on a comic I'm workin' on
For Fun. Also because I wanna look into my own psychology through my works. Throw in a little bit of humanistic morality in there. Though I always try to sway away from my own biases and create diverse characters and personalities as much as I can, it's always imminent to be there.
Next time we will all remember not to associate the word "Luck" to "Artists".
I get my ideas from my nightly dreams and nightmares. I like to put them to good use instead of scaring the crap out of me.
Lemme sneak in mine here.
Clearly this isn't hate nor mean but sure is confusing for me haha. Someone told me to watch more drawing tutorials. The person further added that it's not because my art is bad, just unique. I totally accepted the first statement because definitely, I am still trying to learn. But the next sentence…
Pyrolacch, zerchlon/zercklon, and Harvallon it sounds very "Elven" to me at least.
Currently Just Cause 4 (which I think isn't as fun as the previous.IMO.) but as long as I can still blow things up that's fine with me.
Hi! Have you checked this out already? https://forums.tapas.io/t/are-you-new-here-advice-for-creators-starting-on-tapastic/6590?u=sean super helpful!
I don't know how I feel about mental illness in webcomics in general but I have specific feelings to particular webcomics that portray mental Illness that I can somehow empathize or relate to. They're not exactly needed if the story doesn't require it.
I'd suggest Scratch, Ruzty/Rusty, Zygzag, Pixel or PXL, Minus/Mynus.
Wow. 100 is like a dream come true haha [image]
I immediately thought of Geralt from Witcher. Your art is amazing!
Yesss. more hooorrrrooooorrrrr!!!!!!!
I love the game/movie references
Amazing style!!!
I'll take anything post-apocalyptic / dystopian. This is amazing!
Where have you been all my life @TimCaloweh I love your comic!
I love the humor on this @MelonMooComix
HI! @naoro_san, It's ok, you don't have to like horror stuff hehe I just want to give you thanks for appreciating and recognizing my work.
I love the story so far!
Hi! @Mangocado, Thanks for checking out my comic! I'm super happy! I also got to check yours, and it's amazingly well-rendered I must say. I wish I know how to color as good as you.