
Soen Kai

Apr 7, '19
Last Post
Sep 21, '21
May 6, '22
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C= I use my main twitter for work most of the time.

I made a little tutorial on how I use SketchUp for backgrounds in my (colored) comics. But not about how to put together a scene in the program itself but how to export and work on the exported images to make them look good ... and less computer-generated. =) So I figured I'd share with you guys.

You're never too old to tell your stories. The only thing I would say is to not force "youth" into your comic otherwise you'll get the equivalent of the Steve Buscemi meme.

I'm not really new to Discord, but I also still shy away from servers with more than 50 people at max. It's like you're stepping into a room with 700+ people and everyone is talking at once. There are like 100 different channels of which maybe 5 are interesting for you... Nah I tend to stick to smal…

Oh, that‘s pretty awwesome of you! O0O I‘d love if you would spare either of my series a glance:

Learn visual storytelling and paneling. Not-so-perfect drawings can be saved with good paneling. But bad paneling will destroy any well-drawn comic.

Trees. OTL I love trees, but I hate drawing them. There's something about their organic shape and chaotic design, that I can't draw for the life of me.

If people think 30+ is an age ppl should get out of the internet and stop getting in comic spaces, they're sorely mistaken. X3 30 is the REAL start of your adult life. Let this old LVL 36 lady tell ya. I've been at it for about 20 years and my love for making comics never waned. UwU So I made it my …

We might need some more info on the character to decide which might fit better. (Though it will always be a subjective choice.)

I must say "Kinomiya Toshiro" also sounds a lot better than "Raiku Toshiro". For some reason "Raiku Toshiro" feels very clunky in the mouth if that makes sense. Would go with Kinomiya as well.

When you're ready to and want to draw (overexaggerated) muscular bodies again I can recommend "Strength Training Anatomy" by Frédéric Delavier for in-depth learning how muscles work. It's not an artist reference book but one for bodybuilders, but it's really great & greatly illustrated. Helped me mo…

Thanks for all the applications! X3 I found someone! (I‘ll talk you everyone in the DMs separately again.) Thank you!

=) I DMd you with the account.

Hi peeps! I'm a published comic/manga artist currently working on the last volume of my series. To ease the time management stress level a little I'm considering taking on a grayscale flatter for the pages. =) So if you're bored that might be the perfect thing to pass the time. XD haha I will pay pe…

Oh yes I have. Most of it is black and white, which is really hard. But I did one colored piece for Focus 10 [image]

1) I'm often mistaken for a high schooler even though I am 35 2) People on the internet often think I am a man (especially on comic-websites) and 3) I find that incredibly funny 4) I've been drawing comics since 2001 and it's Sailor Moon's fault 5) I plan on someday getting a house with a garden and…

That's right. Visual storytelling is less about "drawing well" but more about leading your reader's eyes through your pages. I'd say, however, that this is more of a topic for intermediate to professional artists. @CrystallikeICE If you're still struggling a lot with anatomy and perspective it wou…

Just updated my mystery comic Focus 10

They sadly just circumvented being taken down by pausing their site. They're already back.

That might be a good idea, yeah. Thanks for adding one of the moderators.

Hi, fellow Webcomicartists! It has come to my attention, that there's a Facebook Page that translated and uploads Tapas & Webtoons Comics into Mongolian and uploading the content on their Page without asking or (mostly also without) informing the author. I found my own work on there because they a…

I'd answer but not spoil them. Especially not on important story-stuff. If they ask you about something that would make you spoil it's fun to just answer with a lennyface of "mmmmaybe? ;D" or something. Answering in SOME way should be a given so the readers know they don't comment into a void. (Also…

Hi! I think everyone would love a review of their comic. =D Me too! FOCUS 10 is a supernatural mystery. I'd say hmmm PG-13 because monsters and some darker psychological contents later on?

[image] [image] Not much to see on the latest page because splashpage. XD haha

Yeah, more than once. XD Because I'm a very emotional being. Me crying over a scene I just came up with is usually a good indicator that it will touch my readers as well. [image]

You can use Sketchup for NPR (non-photorealistic) 3D models or even just export them as lineart to fit your style. A well known and used technique for not always drawing full on backgrounds is using an establishing shot whenever you change the scene or your characters change places where you show …

I'll forever be excited to introduce this little shithead to my readers. Sadly it'll take a long while yet until he comes up in the story. TwT He'll bring some nice plot-twists with him as well as some fierce attitude that shakes the main character to his core. XD [image] He's from my current co…