Tapas Josh
Dobby - FKA He who makes it rain
SF Bay Area tapas.io
I work at Tapas and try my darnedest to figure out more ways for everyone to earn more money if you're a creator and get more coins if you're a reader.
I'm also leading Tapas' push into gaming. Woot!
- Joined
- Dec 22, '15
- Last Post
- Feb 13, '19
- Seen
- Apr 20, '19
- Views
- 932
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- leader
A Pong console. True story. Oh, I just noticed @skicoak has the same story. Respect.
Personally I think I like Tapas best. If Webtoons had this really old Snorlax cookie that's been sitting on my desk for like over a year I'd probably like them...but they don't. And generally speaking I just think Tapas probably has more Snorlax cookies than Webtoons so that's something to consider…
Check your inboxes. I know I sent you both some. Maybe it just hasn't arrived yet. If you don't have it in 24 hours ping me. Thanks!
INK has been sent! Thanks all!
Don't blame your gut. It was the lighting. The lighting made it darn near impossible.
Fell asleep
And it turns out the cosplayer was.....https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IA8X2RaFUP0 Congrats to all those who guessed right. I don't know how you did it. And for those who guessed B like myself, that's ok, we'll get it next time. And speaking of next time, if anyone is ever at a con cosplaying…
Maybe. Or maybe it's just a TRICK!
Good call. I think I'm right there with ya.
Oh! Looks like we got a rebel on our hands. Good luck!
+1. You should definitely roll Perception on that.
We'll find out tonight!
Ohhh, nice catch. But B is smiling so lifelike. I dunnooooo.
And what's this? Gossip playing Gossip? How is this possible? My mind is both melted and blown at the same time. [image]
Vibes are very good too!
Always go with your gut!
You'll find out tonight!
That's kinda the direction I was leaning towards too. Such a toss up!
Can you spot the cosplayer? Red Kraken Apps is at PAX South (booth 10629) showcasing the game they made based on the free and Tapas exclusive webcomic Dungeon Construction Co. And it looks like the cosplay is not only in full effect but also so good I can't tell which is the comic Gossip and wh…
cough cough April showers cough cough
Yeah, current thinking is that we will do them bi-annually with one being Inksgiving. Not sure about the other because what's going on in May? Maysgiving??
Oops. I kinda fell asleep at the end there. But I did want to stop by and say... [image] Thanks everyone for being so awesome! I think we'll try to do another one in 6 months or so. So start saving!!
What?!?! I could have won a shirt!??! JK. Congrats to all the winners! Apparently they're the hottest fashion item out now. And if not, lets make em so!
Is the "Done" there from the beginning or does it show up after a bit?
I think that's on a timer and they want you to scroll down and around for a few seconds. Then an X should pop up in the upper right corner when your time is up. At least that's what I THINK. I've never seen that one before. Do you get your Ink the way you've been doing it? Sounds like no.
Then everyone will officially have the title of Awesomer. Because y'all are already awesome.
JUST KIDDING!!! Congrats everyone! One amazing job. And we still have like 9 hours to go!
Oh wait!! You all didn't hear?? We raised it to 20 million. Oops our bad. I guess we should have said something.
My Halloween costume next year. Promise.
Yes! It does. I'm outtie!