
The Tale Spinner

Writer, D&D enthusiast, the guy behind the internet novel "Heldsgard: a Masqueraders Adventure". Probably can't really see out of those novelty glasses.

Mar 14, '22
Last Post
Mar 14, '22
Apr 14, '22
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basic user

I'm not sure about "just started", but I have a novel based off a homebrew D&D campaign that's been a lot of fun, and I've recently realised that I should be self-promoting for it! Come check it out! I'm releasing chapters every Friday. I mean, can you really turn down this sweet cover art? I thin…

Hey, I write a fantasy novel that's based on a D&D campaign I used to run. I've been doing it for a while now, but only recently realised that a bit of shameless self-promotion never hurt anyone! Check out my work! My goals for how many subs I want? Er, can I say all of the subs? Put me down for t…

Hi! I'll throw my hat into the ring, I definitely still fit in the "has under 500 subscribers" category. Gather round, all you lovers of fantasy and Dungeons and Dragons. Behold the wonders of a D&D campaign that's been turned into a novel! [image]