
I just make a webcomic called Hybridor https://tapas.io/series/Hybridor

Dec 22, '17
Last Post
Apr 20, '19
Apr 21, '19
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basic user

So as I'm sure many creators are probably on this same quest I am, let's figure this out together. I'm trying to get my comic noticed a bit more. Other than doing regular weekly updates on Tapas, Webtoon, Deviantart, and SmackJeeves, I've been looking into as many advertisement options as possible…

Thank you all for the suggestions! You make a rather good point, especially with that whole 'perfection loop' thing. I think the only reason I even considered to do a hard reset is because in the grand scheme of things, I only have like 50 subs on Tapas, and almost 600 on webtoon. 600 is a lot of …

Well the first change I need to do is update the formatting on ALL of the 40-page prologue, and a few pages from Chapter 1 so they can be read on mobile. Easy to edit at least. But I also wanna add a short and better intro to the beginning. At present the comic is really chapter-focused, but since…

A long time ago, like some others I've seen here, I made Sonic FC's that became my intro-characters for roleplaying online. I had a fun time and met new friends while using these characters to just make stories. But they we're always using Sonic material. Fast forward a few years, and my fandom…

Hello folks of Tapas! It's time for another question that I've been toying with in my head for a while now. And that is... If I want to do a rather large-ish change/update to an already existing (and slightly over a year old) series, which is better... A. Repost the comic from the start as a new s…

I use Photoshop CS6 for making the actual pages and every stage except the line-inking stage. I actually use Fire alpaca for my linearting since it's free and it's really good at that clean bold lineart (and I've sadly not taken the time to bother with Sai). But everything else, from sizing the page…

Thank you for the tips. Lately I have been going a bit less 'detailed' with my backgrounds (because admittedly, I suck at them), but sometimes I can't have that luxury since my comic has moments where they go to exotic and key locations...the world can tell a story of it's own with it's appearance. …

Thank you all for your posts. I've read them all finally (yay for a good read). Sadly though I ain't feeling very confident now with these replies. 'Git good' isn't something I feel I can do before that contest ends. I can't afford to go to school anymore for any classes...I'm barely making enough…

This is a question for pretty much any comic that's featured on Tapas or Webtoon, specifically any that are on a once a week upload schedule (which most are from the looks of it). With the new contest popping up on Webtoon, I quickly started to do research to see if I could get my budding comic en…

True this =) Though the first one has a collective 40 pages in it...I think that's cheating XD It technically is 44 pages in total so far, so its only 350 views for 44 pages, not 5. I'll keep at it though. Thank you to anyone who gave it a read! Things will look up from now on =)

I've not been here long enough to even warrant any sort of leaving drama XD Nor am I making decisions based on views. Yes that is exactly what I wanna do with my comic, should I even attempt two different kinds of format. Perhaps I am overestimating how long it would take to do that sort of switc…

Wow. I was not expecting such responses this swiftly! Yeah I probably am psyching myself out. I take a look at what seems to be the most popular and think that must be what I have to do. Granted, I do see the immense appeal of formatting for mobile down-scrolling, so if I can somehow create a happ…

Okay so here's the scoop. I've not been here very long. So far I've enjoyed my time, what little there is of it. I have a single comic series up since December. It hasn't been noticed much, but that's not why I'm considering taking it down (if that's even possible). I don't think my comic is 'su…

Let's see if I can state this in as few a words as possible XD The characters in Hybridor have been in development for YEARS, as fun little roleplay characters I'd use for rping with friends online. They use to be Sonic FC's (mostly). But then one day I touched bases with an old dear friend of …

I'm pretty new here so...I've not really expanded my library too much. But my little comic has a female lead (young, innocent, naive type), and one of the main supporting roles is also a female (counters the lead with a pessimistic, somewhat cold, yet a realist).

Calling all other Webtoon makers! I need this answered! So I was told here on Tapas that condensing episodes doesn't do anything except get rid of your comments. But Webtoons has a comic rating (1-10) and even a like rating that the public sees as a sum total of the likes each episode got. But wha…

Good to know for Tapas then. Does anyone know if the same happens on Webtoons? Do I need to make a new thread in that portion of the forums to get this answered for Webtoon?

I don't think I have an actual type to gravitate towards. Probably because I really want my characters to be varied. Though a good 90% percent of them all have a fear of loneliness so...maybe that's it? But again, I like my characters to be varied. It also helps when they all have at least SOME pa…

So here on Tapastic, I have a comic. A comic who's prologue (40-pages long) was already finished. So I had decided to put the ENTIRE 40-page prologue up at once. Over on Webtoon however, I have been steadily putting the same prologue up slowly over the course of time. It's only got 2 pages left to…

I think I did it right if you meant my forum profile XD It's called Hybridor. Didn't think it would be right to just slap it's link in this thread. Thanks for the suggestions all =) Luckily Patreon stopped being a butt so now I'll have these alternates in case they decide to be annoying again.

I didn't really know Paypal did that sort of thing. Nifty! Ko-Fi could work for anyone who wants to do a onetime thing I suppose, but I dunno how many people know about it. I don't know anything about the Tipping system here on Tapas. I'll have to do some research...

So...I'm in a sad bucket of annoyance right now. I started a Patreon page in about November of last year, with big aspirations. I was gonna have a place to be able to reward those who were kind enough to support my hard labor that is my ambitious comic HYBRIDOR. Then in Decemeber, Pateon removed m…

Interesting. Yeah I figured too late that perhaps that wasn't the best of ideas. But it's fine. Soon enough it will show up in the fresh portion once the steady updates roll in. I might try a steady update for Webtoons then...or I'll save the entire Prologue for just before I'm ready to do my regu…

Here's a question for the Tapastic community, since it seems I can't find Webtoon's forums (if one even exists). So here on Tapas, when I decided to put up my comic here, I was going to put the WHOLE thing up at once. Well...the whole of the first Episode anyway (what is actually made and complete…

Wanna try drawing an anthro that isn't even based off a real animal? XD If not you can always draw the humanoid that took my internet name Thank you kindly if you do either. It's really nice to see art of one's character, especially when they are quite new in design.

Public is fine, but either is good as well. Goal is to have fun, get better art-wise, and tell a good story. I will still do my best to help it succeed, but success I feel comes as a byproduct, moreso if the product has passion behind it. Nothing specific. Just review it for what it is =)

Hi! My name is Nicole, though most know me as Ulta. I literally just started posting my comic today. =) I feel like there's not enough multi-genre anthro comics with hard-shading art style out in the world, so here's mine for that pool of readers! The comic is set in an alternate universe chise…

Hi! My name is Nicole, though most know me as Ulta. I literally just started posting my comic today. =) I feel like there's not enough multi-genre anthro comics with hard-shading art style out in the world, so here's mine for that pool of readers! The comic is set in an alternate universe chise…

Ohhh okay I see what you all mean now. I didn't realize that the mature tag sticks only for that episode. Thing is, I want the entire Prologue packaged in one Episode, and since that page sits within it's mists, I suppose that means the whole Prologue episode will be marked as such. Will that hurt…

So before I finalize my first chapter post, I wanted to get some feedback... So for the most part, I feel like my comic is suitable for all ages to read, even though the target audience is young adults mostly. There is only one portion of it that I feel might not be, but given what it is, I feel l…