C. Giverny
Writer and avid reader.
I have two books on Tapas:
- The Rising Darkness (https://tapas.io/series/The-Rising-Darkness/info)
- Forgotten (https://tapas.io/series/forgottencgiverny/info)
- Joined
- Jul 14, '22
- Last Post
- Jun 3, '23
- Seen
- Feb 15
- Views
- 86
- Trust Level
- member
What's your discord?
First off I feel you're on the right track. Asking yourself questions about the powers in your story is important. My first tip however would be to open about something like google docs, Word (whatever you use to make notes). Next write out a short summary about your power system, first things th…
If you're looking for advice on how to grow on Tapas, some creators did a thread about this some months ago. Maybe look at it and see if it helps you.
I'm interested, it's just that I have a few time constraints rn so if you have deadlines for when you want things read, idk if I can do that. Especially since you're looking for grammar which kind of isn't part of beta reading. I mean a beta reader can point those out if they spot anything but gr…
Could you maybe put a blurb and genre of your story. It will help you in finding beta readers.
This is actually an interesting question. If I think about it, my mcs in Forgotten are kind of both lone wolves who joined forces. (Not sure what you would call that lol) I mean Fer occasionally works with others and helps but she likes doing things herself. As for Cal, he travels by himself (bein…

Ghostwriting (for novels) and script writing (for comics) is another thing you can do

First congrats to all the winners [:tapa_pop:] This was a really fun thing to do and something to get me out of my comfort zone too. I'm honored to be given third place. I will be sure to take your advice and do a little work on the conflict.
It probably will be better to change the category to Reviews and Feedback. Also a description of your story and what kind of feedback you want will help (eg. feedback on art, story, characters etc.)
Hi So because I'm doing a reaction episode with your story and have to read it to do the reaction, I thought I might as well give you my feedback. Granted, I haven't read everything, just to chapter 3. Anyway, your story is quite interesting. I like the whole story idea you have going. And that…
I honestly think any time is fine as long as you post around the same time (eg. 1 pm every Friday). I know some people say it's best to post around 12-5am PST (basically early morning) so that most of your readers are able to catch your update. If that helps. As for posting five chapters a week. …
All episodes under WUF are now only available for 3 days before they're locked again. It's probably why the episodes you unlock lock again.
@kyupol, @MarvinDziamski, @romeopeppe, @nickolaidas, @conventurecomics and @LostKelp The slots for comics filled up before I could add your comics to the list so I won't be doing reactions on your work. However if I have time and my readers enjoy the reaction episode I plan to do another one in t…
Hey everyone Okay so I hit 50k last night (my time) and part of my Inksgiving reward was that I do an episode where my character reacts to different novels and comics on Tapas. So I was wondering if anyone wanted to have their comic / novel reacted to. I'll do full credits and have a link to y…
I think you've got to look at your world and the story as a whole. Like is there magic, witches, vampires, magical beings, gods etc. because then it's a fantasy. If it's got a lot of tech and futuristic, outer space things going on then sci-fi. Is your story a love story (the main plot about love) -…
Okay, so not all artist on Tapas do art commissions or want to work on other projects. So, trying to find artist like this may be a little difficult. However, if you're looking for an artist to hire, you can try this thread: All these artists are open to commissions and new projects and have sa…
Okay, first thing I would recommend is to read a lot of sci-fi (specifically the sub-genre you want to write in -eg. soft sci-fi etc.) and look (analyze a little) at how the writer describes and weaves the 'science-fiction' into the story. How they describe places, aliens, rules of the society etc…
Hey and welcome to to Tapas.
I just wanted to ask, is there any specific feedback that you're looking for eg. plot, character, art style etc.
Edit: I'm just going to add my general feedback here since I read through the first five chapters and don't want to spam the forum. (I'm not an artist s…
Well, I have two novels right now. Forgotten - Adventure Fantasy: The Rising Darkness - Dark Action Sci-fi:
I agree with Kelheor. A Isekai Yuri sounds like it would be an interesting read, but a suicidal MC, not so sure about that.
Sure no problem
As someone who studies and works, time management is a big thing for me. One thing I would recommend is making a daily schedule. Try to plan at least a month ahead, making sure to leave at least 2-4 hours every day for anything you want to do or for unexpected things. The schedule can maybe help you…
The idea of Nanowrimo is to get writers to try and write a 50k novel. A first draft if you will. And most first drafts will not be perfect, they'll be the furthest thing from a great webnovel. It'll probably have plot holes, grammar mistakes etc. So, to answer your third question no. It can be a g…
Hi I would recommend you putting this under Collaborations as this is not really meant for Questions.
I would love some feedback on my novel, but if the person after me feels uncomfortable reading it (it does have some mature content) feel free to do one of the previous people's novels. Also trigger warning on blood (more detailed at the top of the prologue). Anyway, I hope you enjoy if you land u…
Thanks OP for starting this thread. Looks quite interesting. Okay so, @dadimoandmincart I read your first chapter and I must say your story has quite a unique plot. I did see some spelling and grammar mistakes (you go from past to present tense a few times) and there was one or two redundancies. …
Welcome to Tapas! I have a few recommendations for you. Mukhtar - Action Fantasy and Mystery: The Ebony Witch - Fantasy Romance and Drama: Kill Your Darlings - Mystery Romance and Action: And a little self-promo of my two novels: The Rising Darkness - Dark Sci-fi and Actions: F…
Thank you [:hype_01:] It looks really good. Do you mind if I share it on my socials?
No worries. Anyone can miss things.
I don't have any character wallpaper but I did put the wallpaper banners for my novels with the links. They're below the link. If you need a different size or want the cover rather just let me know.