Jun 18, '21
Last Post
Sep 9, '21
May 25, '22
Trust Level

Someone recommended using Google Maps to draw backgrounds and it's been the most helpful for me so far!

I haven't actually read it, haha, COVID and sad stories are not a good mix for me, it was just the first thing that came to mind for stories the reader knows the ending to.

I wouldn't read it myself but there's definitely people who like that sorta story! The premise reminds me of They Both Die At The End. The title itself spoils the ending but it definitely didn't stop it from getting popular, haha.

I have one of those too!! He's so big and dumb he doesn't notice the others picking on him lol. [image]

^^ I started uploaded on Webtoon but I decided to wait until I have a fully finished 'chapter' and upload the whole thing, especially for the first 3 episodes (because after 3 Webtoon asks readers to subscribe, so it's even more important to have a strong opening haha)

Does it just look like strawberry blonde to anyone else??

It's pretty rude to imply that nonbinary people are having 'identity crisis'. There were a lot of people defending you but you don't seem at all interesting in educating yourself.

My GL if you're interested!

I always thought that 'unique' just meant one of a kind, in which case every comic is unique even if it's not original - and then originality was whether the idea had been done before in that specific way.

I only have 3 chapters but I'd still appreciate feedback!! I'll deffo check out your novel :smiley:

If you do go the clockwork route, I don't think you'd need to make it magic? Just have regular old tech. Tbh I think that'd work better with the whole human thing anyway, since it'd make them...actually human lol. It could still make sense with them being killed out, like if they start making guns…

They look so good!! Thank you so much!!

Thank you so much!! The perspective grid websites are so helpful, I could not for the life of my work out how to use Medibang's perspective grids [:cry_01:] I hadn't thought of using Google Maps either, that's super smart, thank you!!

I'll work my way from the bottom up to make it fair!

Your art is so cute!! I love the way you drew the skirt (or really just clothes in general, it looks fab!!) Here's my comic, the cover is probably the clearest reference so far! Will definitely check out your comic too!!

Oo yeah, so instead of drawing everything from the panel, you could just draw like the mailbox and the reader would fill it in? That's a good idea! Also same, I just spent ages drawing a brick pattern only for the speech bubble to completely cover it [:cry_02:]

Like a 3D model or something? Drawing the main parts are fine, like say for a bedroom drawing the actual room, the bed, the nightstand, etc is fine, it's just putting stuff on top of that that I struggle with.

All of my backgrounds end up looking super empty, cos I have no idea what to put in them. Especially interior shots - outside environments aren't so bad because I can just add like, a shittonne of trees, but what do you add to interiors?? I end up defaulting to houseplants (and kicking myself when I…

Just updated the third episode of my GL [:hype_01:]

They all look great! I do agree that the green eyed dude is a bit boring though. You could try incorporating green somewhere else in his character design? Maybe a jacket or something? Also I find it a bit odd that the blonde girl's bangs cover her eyes, but no one else's do. It makes her look a b…

Does that mean Harry Potter and Percy Jackson are technically isekai :eyes:

Oh wow I totally forgot Dino Riders existed! I was obsessed with that show when I was a kid [:sweat_02:]

Emus are super cool - our neighbour has an emu farm actually which is pretty cool! And thank you!! Hopefully will be more episodes soon :smiley:

I totally agree, I always end up skimming fights in page style formats haha. That looks so good!! There's so many creative ways to transition with the scroll format, I read a story where they changed scenery through the reflection on the lake, which was just?? so good ugh.

Same!! I think particularly for action/fantasy stories with dramatic scenery and long fight sequences (especially magic ones!) scroll style is better - I love the diagonal fight scenes people do, where you can see all the different poses, almost like an animation spread out.

I'm from Australia and I'm proud of our weird & wacky animals [:sweat_02:]

Wow, I wasn't expecting such a fast response, thank you! I actually just changed the bubbling for the episode I'm working on now (admittedly making it more rough/hand-drawn looking), so I'm definitely open to trying new styles with it! Thanks for the review and the kind words!!

I don't see why you would have to stop if you aren't paid? It's just a hobby, like anything else. Hell, it's a pretty cheap hobby if you actually think about it. Most sportspeople spend a lot more money and time on their hobbies, for a much lower chance of compensation.