Matt Cleaver
Australia kitfox-crimson.deviantart.com
Yo, yo ,yo!
My name is Matt Cleaver. I live in Australia, and while not working agonizing...AGONIZING jobs such as teaching high school, I spend every waking second drawing comics. Either the one I put on here: 'In Our Image' or the Pokemon based Nuzlocke comic I have over on Deviantart.
Hope to see you guys around soon!
- Joined
- Nov 20, '15
- Last Post
- Dec 7, '15
- Seen
- Jan 14, '16
- Views
- 52
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- basic user
Probably a mech.... or a sword. More likely, a mech with a sword attached.
I don't really have a cover for In Our Shadow yet but this is the closest I have so far ^__^ [image]
Usually some barely comprehensible Metal music, like Blind Guardian. I find that very easy to insert my own imaginatings into ^^
I love crossovers and huge universes with multiple stories set in them. It just makes everything feel much more real and alive!
I guess it's only natural to make most characters similar to our own age because that is the age we are most familiar with, can relate to, and can represent the best. However, since In Our Shadow features characters who are evolved animals with far shorter lifespans than humans, my characters ran…
Twilight didn't ruin vampires for me because I will never watch it, read it or care about it. ^__^
Yeah I generally just crop out a small 300x300 bit of the page to use as a thumbnail, which is actually the most time consuming part of the uploading process. But some comments on here have helped ME a lot too so thanks for putting up this question CX
Soooo many awesome comics on here to check out! I really need to find some time to do that! Here's mine though: In Our Shadow is set fifty thousand years in the future where humanity has destroyed itself and the animals left behind have evolved to use the ruins and technology we left behind. [i…
Yay thank you so much ^__^
In Our Shadow would be a tankard of mead with a glow stick wrapped around it.
I dare say, drawing comics is the single best thing you can do to improve your art. It makes you do things over and over again, and from different angles, and with different expressions and movement. It's the best ^^
I'm kind of to the point where if I read a blurb and it says something like '(insert name here) was just an ordinary high school student....until...' I immediately switch off. Maybe it's because high school wasn't great for me, or that I don't relate to it anymore, but it seems to be a story crutch …
I've got a sci-fi fantasy story that does indeed include serious psychology, although it is really more sci-fi than fantasy, but it mixes both. In Our Shadow Hope that helps ^__^ Oh yes and it certainly isn't typical, I wouldn't say. ^__^'
I think it greatly depends on a lot of things. I find that in general, comedic comics can get away with a lower level of art because they are usually produced faster and rely on the gag, not the art, mainly. There are exceptions of course. While an awesome art style is good, and it's difficult t…
Fifty thousand years in the future, humanity is extinct and the animals that evolved in our wake search for lost human technology to bring balance to a world controlled by the incredibly powerful but insane rat civilization. This topic is an awesome way to create a blurb!
I am not very fond of reluctant heroes or heroes too bent on avoiding doing bad things at all cost. The first, while realistic, is kind of annoying and the other is annoying because it's too unrealistic ^__^ Or maybe I should just try being easier to please...
30, although age is fairly irrelevant once you're like...25 or something. You just become more yourself from then on ^^
Yes, people don't appreciate the physical strain it takes to make comics! XD I myself didn't appreciate it... until it was too late of course! Eventually my eyes decided that it was no longer necessary to see into the distance, as I was always looking at a screen or paper 30cm away, and my hips ha…
First one for sure. I am quite partial to some solid shading. I think you have you answer there CX
50 is a good one! It's a milestone, and a good one to share because if people haven't heard of the comic, it's not very hard to catch up that amount of pages! I find that episode 100 is the biggest milestone... although when it came up in In Our Shadow it was a fairly anticlimactic part of the sto…
Wargaming, Dungeons and Dragons....Transformers... the Vanguard card game... Oh.... gotta think of something to soften this list of colossal dorkness..... nope, there's nothing.
Imagine if someone asked you describe your comic in one sentence. This can be incredibly hard to do, but if you can sort of do it, or put it into two sentences, then that's the overview right there. Forget everything else. The reader will pick up on the rest when they actually read it. I had such …
Hmm... yeah I guess, just like Hollywood movies, animal comics also have their stereotypes that never make it as main characters. I have many comics where there are lizard characters, but yeah, the only one where there is a main protagonist... he doesn't stay as a lizard for long. Also those comics …
I grew up with Smash Bro's on the 64 and Melee on the Gamecube, and they were totally radical. I haven't played the newer ones, although I do have it for the 3DS. I bought the Link, Fox and Falco Amiiiiieieiiibo's just because. So I suppose you could guess which characters I like to use XD
I'm a bit of a dinosaur who refuses to go with the times, so I still do lineart for In Our Shadow in real media and scan it. I do colour digitally because it's so much easier and ends up looking arguably better. Plus laser effects. I use Open Canvas for colour and Photoshop for effects, text and …
In Our Shadow is up to 143 pages, although I only have about fifty up on Tapastic at the moment. (I only joined Tapastic a few days ago but I sure wish I'd known about it sooner!) It's going to be in three parts and the first part is close to being done, so I guess it'll end up being around 400is…
Going to Japan, yo! Being from Australia, I've never had a Christmas with snow, and I've never seen a New Years in a country renowned for fireworks. It's going to be awesome! I love Japan so much, but it sure hurts the wallet!
I think it's a success if you manage to update it constantly. The reason for that consistent effort might be lots of readers, personal satisfaction, regular therapeutic drawing time, enthusiasm, or whatever, it doesn't matter, it's a success if it keeps being done. ^__^
Artists are always their own biggest critic. Readers will often not even notice mistakes that you think are glaringly obvious. I find over thinking pages and spending too long fixing all the mistakes can be a little unnecessary. I sometimes upload pages early so the mistakes are easier to see, and l…