
Melinde Mari

23 Years old; I'm a writer and experimental painter, just recently started to learn how to draw (mainly cute animals XD)

I'm currently working on my Novel called The Divide United
Also keep a close eye out for my other novels that are closer to "done" that I might start posting soon (Just so much more protective of those babies)

Sep 5, '17
Last Post
Sep 3, '18
Nov 28, '18
Trust Level

Hi! Me and A friend is writing a Comic, we're currently releasing "extra's" like all the Character Reference sheets and some other art created along the way. So here it is! The "extras" The 1st page is due to release in May, and that is a given.

I'm surprisingly scaring myself... I'm already basically a third finished with my novel... Only other time I wrote this fast was with the first book of my "Of the Sea" series that's on hold for re-writing to fit in with the second book where I changed up some concepts and ideas... So here it is ag…

One can never forget everything, what you can do is take some time off form your work, set it aside, start something else and after 3 moths pick it up and re-read it, make your 'edits' or what not to improve it then. One always improves ones own writing if takes a step back. You can't honestly ever …

I'll take a look at it and make some edits and notes for you; you can follow them/use them or ignore them your choice. My e-mail is pop me a mail and I'll send you the edited version unless want me to PM you. That is only if want me to go through it attentively?

Here's my own entry

I finally have a reason to finish my short novel!!! Have been roughing it out with parts here, and just now finished the prologue. Next chapter will be today still and then 3rd tomorrow! There after will update twice a week Thursdays and Fridays (UAE Times around 10 AM) So here's my entry:

Dory from "Finding Nemo" and "Finding Dory" XD Name (a) character(s) that is/has a twin

Brand new comic that me (the Writer) and the Henrietta (the Artist) is just started releasing: Extras first though as "teasers". Updates are after every 3rd day. And in May the Comic pages will start to release after all the Character References have been posted; that will be released every Sunday…

Heya sure I have FB but can't find your accounts (Or might have found did send request but not sure if correct) It might be easier to search for me Melinde-Mari Venter, there should be only 1 exact match XD - my name's a one of a kind spelling :slight_smile: Glad could be of some help!

Hi I'm South African (White) and can answer some Q's for you: Games depend from place to place and culture to culture since SA has a diverse culture from White shout Africans to (Not meant to offend) black South Africans (Zulu, Xhosa, Sotho, etc.) But some games I played growing op on were hop s…

Love: Life's greatest gift for us

I have a rough "one-Shot" that I wrote about 9 years ago, about a dying girl... Who loves racing, but can't because of her heart condition (in the rough cause I just really started compiling longer stories, and never really edited before posting it a rare genetic disorder...). She's a "rich kids" hi…

And then you have to remember all the "Afrikaans" accents or "Dutch"/"Netherlands" accents they try to fake as well... it sounds so horrible!!! Especially to me who is Afrikaans speaking!!! I want to laugh so bad!!! One actor I really feel doesn't make me embarrassed to hear speaking English with an…

I think I might have a mild case of this... Whenever I'm not driving I just zone out and stare at the world passing by... And when in the mall, I get side tracked without knowing it, staring at everything; my family get's so frustrated with me they hold my hand else they lose track of me XD And it…

I had a fever, my head felt like it was going to explode, my chest felt like someone was trying to pull out my heart and best part was, I had work to do, it was month end rush like every other month, and being goody-two-shoes who hates to throw more work on others who was loaded with their own stuff…

@TheThoughtfulBoxful I would draw sometimes, but never any good, since 2010 Everything I drew looked like stick figure with some flesh on and Power-Puff hands and feet... (I couldn't even draw eyes!!!) I started getting more interested in drawing since 2015 (But I sucked) so didn't give much thought…

I just learned something reading this post... America has 'cents' same as SA (Darn that their they have Dollars and not Rand... Maybe that's a good thing :joy:)

The colour is really good and the characters refined. There's 1 or tow wording that a quick fix will help to make it read smoother: 6th panel: How was your yesterday's expedition... Should read either: How was your expedition... or How was yesterday's expedition... 7th Panel between "and" an…

Well I guess I could see if I can get my character out of my head and onto paper then... XD One other thing then would be if I was to draw someone's character, I do mostly cartoon style drawings... there's not a district style or skill needed is there? It sounds really fun, though XD

If want a character drawn from my novel do I have to have a reference of her, or can I leave it to the artist's design? (as currently no drawings of any of my characters)

Also check if writing "different accents" remember some words spelling changes. For Example; the "-or" or "-our" conflict: Color - Colour / Flavor - Flavour / Behavior - Behaviour / Harbor - Harbour Honor - Honour / Humor - Humour / Labor - Labour / Neighbor - Neighbour And also the "-er" or "…

I know what you mean, and it's hard. I try my best to be exact, and just be myself, I'm mostly an introvert, until I get to know people, online it's easier though; but I always get this feeling that sometimes some people are just "pretending" around me, even on the net. But you can always find tho…

Wow... And here I thought looking at pictures of food for me was stress relieving... Never though it could become tiring... (Please don't let me get tired of looking at food and especially pudding!!!!) :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:

Oh I see, well as per the singing, musical side at least you still have a decent range! My mom is "book Friends" with a classical/opera singer and she tested my range she started me off at A or B3 to A6 no problem and then when I got to D7 I had already started dropping my notes and getting light …

But creative :joy: I mean where else would you find those kind of names? XD

Ooohhh yeah I never got that far in my history studies of her, only thing I learned was she helped the poor, and healed them, but reading about the part where she "forced" baptism on dying patient just now... yeah no in that regards I agree she aint no saint that for sure!!! Now I'm kinds scared o…

Don't try to be baritone!!! Try Alt! Why better! I can sing Soprano 1 easily... so long as it's just vocal practice as soon as I sing I can't hit that high depending on where the jump is... Mainly cause the choir teacher was useless and though I was singing false even when only my lips were moving s…

Ohhhh!!! I know what you mean! I was always listening in of 4 different conversation of friend and friends of friends and then when they suddenly realize I'm not a ghost, they ask me why I'm not talking... Like... mmmm... on which conversation are we talking about me not talking? The one about the n…