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- Jul 30, '16
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- May 6, '24
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- May 6, '24
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Hello! I recently decided to split up my larger projects into some smaller ones, and I found that past a certain limit, you can't see your works in the dashboard. I have 35 novels so far, and I'm wondering if it's better to condense them or not. Is this limit intentional?
Black History Month, 2024! I noticed there aren't any newer threads for this so I'm bumping an old one. Here's my work:
. w . i just write from experience
What kinds of stories are you interested in, and what kinds of tones and levels of maturity are you comfortable working with?
if you claim the ocean for yourself then every fish is your pet. owo
@BoomerZ (it's about your persona as an author, not your characters! :-3)
very cute interactions, this thread was a good idea
@w@ i'm kinda tired, i need all y'all's help on these
@powerplantanimations Absolute villain who wants to be the hero so bad @Stargazer31 Hero, cinnamon roll, too good, too pure @TheDoublekey Hero, stronk but likes flowers
@AlydaB Hero, struggles with inner darkness @bakazcup Anti-Hero, post-disillusionment but pre-gritty phase
@BLTX Villain, can't wait for the DMV to fall for good
@RainbowCat Hero, tragic Die Hard-style do-gooder trapped in an unjust world
@DualDragons Impulse-driven hero, like Naruto
@simonitropunk Bright, colorful villainy disguised as heroism. Can pass undetected in polite society.
everyone s…
Post one or two of your best works, and let the forums decide: are you a gleaming, shining example to all? Or a dastardly menace that needs to be stopped? Or perhaps a brooding renegade, on the fringes of society. It takes all kinds to run a community. You can't have heroes without villains, and vic…
I'm launching a gag strip I've been thinking about for a while, I figured April Fools' Day was the best possible time.
I used it often but I guess we could just make Youtube videos where our novel scrolls to our soundtrack, it would probably make for great coverage.
Make him as human as possible. Best example I can think of is Grim from The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy. Dr. Facilier from the Frog Prince would also be a good reference. Someone born in the culture would know more, though.
. w. I like all my own novel posts cause I'm really proud of my work. If Tapas changed so we couldn't like our own posts, I'd be down 140 likes.
Through actions! I have a basic idea of what they're like, and then I write them responding to different situations. Then I take a break and look over it again, to see if it changes how I see them. You really don't know who anyone is in a vaccuum, it's all about how they respond to different circums…
where's the dislike button
Considering people who were unfortunate enough to have been born without nipples (a condition called Nipless), in all sensitivity, we should consider it nude. They're either dressed or they aren't. But hey, there's always body paint. Maybe it's on really thick?
I make notes about their names, family trees, age, etc. Helps keep things from getting out of hand. I'm surprised how many characters are in my story now, I tried to keep it small. The important thing is to use each character well.
I can see how directing people to the premium content on entry keeps them from thinking Tapas as a whole is reflected by a single community work, especially when the vast majority of links people will see are from authors looking for new readers. The premium works don't have to advertise to the same…
Mine's a novel but here goes: [image]
if we use a pre-made template, we can make them on the forums and then someone can post them
i like all the different flavors each panel has, like, the career webcomic artist, popeye meets hellboy, the hobbyist, etc.
@Lensing: how many panels before we can go again?
i like the complete reversal from pissed off to friendly
Coming Soon: Christ Marathon Jesus just wants to run the State Triathlon, but the bullies won't let him. God sends him a kegger so he can make friends at a party. Jesus runs the Triathlon and comes in first place, but the bullies cheat and he's disqualified. He gets a rematch scheduled, but Judas…
I schedule a post for 6am so I can read my update when I wake up and proof-read it for like, the fifth time.
Religion is a part of worldbuilding and character. What does the faith preach and do the characters follow it? Which ones? How closely? Those are important traits. Not a single story is without some kind of belief system, a lot nowadays just make one up to avoid controversy. It's probably easier to …