Vapid Ink
Los Angeles tapas.io/vapidink
Author of Vigilante and all around geek!
My newest Tapas stuff: https://tapas.io/series/ANTEMORTEM/info
Commission me: https://ko-fi.com/vapidink/commissions
Read more of my stuff: https://www.wattpad.com/user/Vapid_Ink
- Joined
- Apr 12, '21
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- 1 day
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- 16 mins
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- 325
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Smaller creators can usually ask to have ink support unlocked for the event so you can still participate!
Here's some ideas for goals, some of them not art related: Bonus chapter AU chapter (maybe have a poll about what sort of AU) Q&A Write a chapter in another character's POV Shoutouts to top donors Pick a character's name, appearance, etc. Top donor gets to be in a chapter Crossover chapter Story c…
You can still make it though! You need 18 more subs and it doesn't start until mid-April, and that's if you can't have it unlocked for the event.
Never really participated because of time issues or I just didn't know about it, but I'll try this year! Just having some trouble thinking of rewards. Anyone doing any collabs? @CEWashburn So, if you have ink support enabled people should be able to go to your profile and there'll be a "support" b…
Some people need a little boost to help them keep posting, just so they're not stuck on zero, which is fine. Personally, I don't like it. I'd rather have people who sub out of interest, but I've been posting online for a while so numbers don't matter as much to me.
Another mARTch prompt. The only time I play with colors is when I do this kinda thing, lol. Today was primary colors day so I did a cmy color scheme [image]
Another one for mARTch. Today's prompt was neon colors so I draw a villain from a WIP. It's been fun to experiment with colors! [image]
That looks so good! The way the E and S were done is so creative
It's complimentary colors day for mARTch so I went with blue/orange [image]
mARTch Day 11: monochrome This one was easy because I rarely bother to color stuff, lol [image]
It was pose day for mARTch so I tried out some more dynamic poses! [image]
For my book currently on hiatus, Antemortem, it's this guy: [image] He's such an asshole, lol.
New hand sketches for mARTch! Wish I had time to do more for practice! [image]
Hands are tough but at least we always have a refence on hand. I'll show myself out [:sweat_02:] Anyway, the best thing you can do is just practice lots. Using your hand as a reference is probably the best way to try different angles, just start by breaking things down. Here's some of my own ha…
I couldn't think of anything that really fit this trope perfectly. Soul Eater and Noragami came to mind first, tbh, but to me they do a better job at treating the "weapons" as actual characters. Maybe that proves your point about this being an issue with male leads and female "weapons" though, becau…
mARTch Day 5: animal Here's my rabbit, pretending she got hit by a truck [image]
In general, 800 words isn't bad for a site like Tapas. The ideal length is supposedly 1500-2300 words, but it's not unusual to have shorter chapters now and then. As long as the chapter doesn't feel incomplete, then it should be fine. But if you feel it's too short you could always add on to the sec…
A little sketch for mARTch day 2: inspiration. Saint Seiya and Sailor Moon got me into art and storytelling when I was still in pre-school [image]
A little doodle I did for the mARTch drawing challenge I'm doing. Day one's a self portrait so I decided to dust off my very rusty realism skills [image] Probably looks better than irl me [:rofl:]
Did a practice cover I'll probably give away at some point [image]
He looks amazing, thank you so much! [:heart_02:] I love your style, btw! Oh and they're scars, I just forgot to clarify, lol
Just realized I have to work on making more character sheets. Anyway, pick any of these that interest you! Added the covers for better refs. [image][image] [image] [image] [image]

Absolutely, but for a lot of people it isn't a lack of wanting to do these things that keeps them from creating, but a lack of access and resources. Whether it's a lack of time or the tools to get started, a lot of people just never take that first step to learn these skills so that they can tell th…
Thank you! I try to find fun names since I'm gonna spend a ridiculous amount of time looking for names anyway, lol.
I usually get lazy with the banners, tbh [:sweat_02:] I should probably redraw a couple of the older ones. [image] [image] [image] [image]
They do both have that Victorian look going on!
Actually working on a curly haired character right now. [image]
Updating a sketch of one of my fav side characters and also testing a new brush [image][image]
It's tough and for most people it just comes with practice. Which sucks because you have to deal with the hurt feelings in the meantime even if you know the feedback was well-intentioned. Sometimes it's good to step away from the critique and story to process your feelings and then try to work throu…
Most of the files I have on my laptop are too big to upload, but here's an in-progress screenshot of a drawing I did a while back. This is Calixtus from Dreamseer. I hadn't finished rendering though, lol. [image]