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Apr 2021

Howdy folks! In an effort to procrastinate from my adult duties I decided I'd like to draw a ton of pixel art instead! My entire comic is done in pixel art (I'm a big fan of the SNES and Sega genesis :sweat_smile:) and if you'd like an example of it's style you can click here24 and here10.

Post your OCs and a little blurb describing them for me to really capture their vibes. :hype_01:

EDIT: Current OCs finished, Keep em coming folks, I'm just choosing random ones and working on them :slight_smile:

  • created

    Apr '21
  • last reply

    Apr '21
  • 32


  • 1.7k


  • 18


  • 67


  • 6


Wow, your art is cool! I feel like out of all my characters Thesis would fit your style the best:

He's a blow-hard former psychology professor who somehow managed to survive the end of the world. He likes to make pretty accurate observations of people's behaviors and then assign wildly baseless diagnoses to them.

(Sorry if black and white or just my style in general is hard, I understand if it doesn't gel with pixelation.)

I've just finished updating some of my charsheets, so why not?
Age: 22 (Earth years)
The communications officer on board of the "Dawn" and was the first person to discover Earth's signals. She is curious and fascinated by members of other species, despite being cautious about them. Ahshu is open and honest, often to brutal levels.

Here ya go! Also the NFT comic made me laugh out loud, can't wait to read more :sunglasses:

(Also was going to make them originally fighting a pizza, but this one stuck out to me ...)

I appreciate your Mikasa pfp, beautiful.

I was wondering if you can do this character:



Name: Agian (not a typo)
Little description: Despite the appearance, he is a 26 years old male belonging to a foreign species of metallic creatures. In human form he is a tall bearded man with pale skin and unkempt appearance. He does not understand many aspects of human cultures and emotions (like identity or guilt), blunt, and may came out as insensitive or aggressive.

Thank you in advance!

I love it so much o.o
I can't believe how well you got the mask thing to work with just Pixel

Oooh that sounds interesting, I do see that you are pretty swamped already though.

But if you are still interested by the time you get to reading this post, I do have a character you could try your hand with.

Her name is Serenity, she was a botanist, and she is one of the sole survivors of the Land of Being from my upcoming work.

She has sworn to herself to take revenge on the royal families that have wronged her, her family and her nation.

Okay when I saw this design I said oh hell what did I get myself into?! :laughing: I knew the somewhat complex patterns on her skin would give me trouble, but it was such a fun character to work on and turned out not that hard at all! I went with a slightly cooler complexion as well. Now that I'm done I'm going to read through your story it looks really interesting.
Also did you read the three body problem?

Yeah it was a little tricky I wanted to do like a little face avatar because I love that the pupils so much but ran out of time :sweat_smile:

I think it turned out great, thanks! Yeah I have read it, but I didn't quite liked it to be honest.

...Aaand the image is now in the guest art on the site. If you don't mind that, that is. =D

Not at all! I appreciate being featured.

By the way did you build your site yourself ?
I'm looking to move my comic to it's own site as well and wondering where people do there's.

Your art is amazing!. Pixel art takes lots of work, i am impressed.

Could you draw a pixelated Rocky the Rock? :grin:

Mostly by myself. I've used a premade CMS system as a base, but the one I've used seems to be abandonware now with no way to even download it since their site went down. I've seen many people use WordPress with a couple of addons though.

Wow awesome! Could you try your hand with Pear?

He's the genius/intellectual fruit ninja of The Action Fruit Society. He builds all of the gadgets and do-hickeys for the group.