3 / 30
Aug 2020

Today I woke up after a long, rough shift last night and found that I'm at 99 subscribers! Y'all. This is so exciting! I am so, so happy that I was convinced to start posting this on here :heart:

How close are you guys to your next milestone/goal?? :heart:

  • created

    Aug '20
  • last reply

    Aug '20
  • 29


  • 947


  • 15


  • 88


  • 1


Congrats 🥳🥳🥳 I am 18 subs away from my milestone.Currently at 82 after we came out with our prologue

Congrats! You’re hard work as been rewarded. I’m at 82 subscribers as well, but I know if I keep going I’ll get there soon.

Congrats! My next sub goal is 100 and right now I'm at 62, I still have a ways to go but I'm slowly getting there.

Woah, congrats! I'm at 75 haha, so still a long way to go to 100! Started posting more frequently though, so maybe that will yield some results

Grats! The werewolf stories sure get a lot of love!

I don't really have a new goal for subs, instead I am grateful for what I get. I am at 62 subs, and every new one is an unexpected treasure.

I love getting over 50 reads per day. My other goal is to finish my current story in draft by September and start on a different one, make it ready to start running maybe in November or something like that. I am undecided if I should attempt to join the werewolves bandwagon or stick with the angel-demon BL

That's a good plan :heart: Plus if my second series is anything to go off of, it seems to be easier to pull in more subscribers once you start that second.

My advice is to write what you enjoy writing... it tends to be obvious when someone's writing something because they think it'll go over well as opposed to because they enjoy it. So if angel and demons are more your area of passion, then I'd stick with that. :heart: It's also easier to write every day when you're writing what you want to write

Oh, I am lucky. I can get a story or characters interesting to me out of anything, and will write every day. But I have more ideas for Angel/demon rn, and I don’t think it’s hopeless in terms of audience capture, so it’s probably what I’ll do. New books are always good for the soul. But, yeah, seeing a huge success of werewolves over the years, it is tempting to put fangs on it.

I'm seriously looking forward to your angel/demon novel - I'm always desperate for something paranormal that isn't vampire/werewolf to read, although I'd be pretty confident in you being able to put a unique spin on it.

@WillowTree congrats on the subs! you got those amazingly quickly!! I'm at 86 rn, and I'd hoped to reach 100 by the end of the month but my growth has just gone bleh, so I'll be happy with 90!

Aww, thank you! I have a growing stack of notes for angel/demon stuff & it expanded since initial concept, so all signs are pointing that way.

Werewolves though, wow. They are just flying off the shelves.

That's great!! and if you're getting 50 reads daily with 62 subs then the majority of your subs are checking in and reading! Active subs are super important (according to what I've read on here lol). I had a vague idea for a demon (no angel) story, but it fizzled out on me pretty quick once the shark-monster idea took over.

@sxxaint Thank you! I checked out your story but the tags kinda made me nervous before I read any of it. I love me a dark story as long as there's a guaranteed happy ending (not bittersweet. I never count bittersweet as a happy ending. Bittersweet is always sad to me.) Angst with a happy ending is my literal favorite tag on AO3 lol

Congrats! I know you’re happy about that. My next goal is 175. I got close then lost two subs :triumph::triumph: so I’m 5 away


Let me try

[details=Summary]This text will be hidden[/details

There's usually a left bracket, but I deleted it to show the full line. I just typed where it said 'This text will be hidden' and it worked for me

When I was in the 80's I would gain a couple and then one or two would unsubscribe. I was like 'please just let me get to 100' lmao. I've set 150 as my next goal!

i totally had that and its totally not working, im out of the spoiler business

also @domisotto when this comes up on another more relevant thread im gonna badger you about the lore

Whenever I lose one or two I gain a few more so it balances out but subs have been slow :sob: probably because the youth are in school

I'm currently at 670, meaning I'm 1330 away from my goal of 2000. :sweat_01:

...Yeah they... stop giving you the small milestones after 250. Keep on truckin'!

At least you can set your own small goals if you want! Though I imagine it's more fun to watch 1330 slowly tick down.

And 670 subs is amazing!!! Congratulations!