6 / 77
Apr 2024

I love this, unforunately my drawing skills are terrible, especially people. I might have to pick drawing back up again though, because I know these guys would be fun to draw

P.S: I didn't notice an end date for submission listed here. You might have listed it somewhere else but I didn't see it yet

I just edited it, thanks, I realized I left the date out too XD.

And thanks. I thought I'd try something different as a prize, since I can't draw digitally to do the usual OC swap prize atm. And it's okay if your drawings aren't great, it's just for fun lol, i'd love to see your take on the leads

My art skills for people are actually atrocious. :sweat_smile: I literally haven't taken an art class since I was in elementary school so it's been a while. I picked up painting almost 2 years ago and yet still cannot draw much more than a stick figure. I typically paint scenery like houses, trees, and flowers. I just find them easier than trying to create an accurate represenation of a person. Maybe this will be my incentive to learn how to actually draw a person

i'm better at plants and animals than I am at people too. (like, I could sell my animal and plant art, definitely not my people.) I only took art classes once for like a semester, so I'm mostly self taught. lots of people are though, so I wouldn't let classes/professional training stop you. All you need is a motivation. Mine is being better than a certain (not actually an artist) celebrity I keep up with who has become unreasonably good at art too fast XD. It's a friendly one sided competition on my part but it's fun

Sometimes celebrities can definitely be good inspiration. I actually was watching pewdiepie's art stuff a few weeks ago and was thinking I'd like to pick up art again. But he definitely improved too quickly for me to keep up. I think somr people have a natural talent for these things as well and I don't think I've got it :joy: But I still don't plan to let it stop me, I've just been putting my painting and art stuff on hold since I'm busy with school and my novels atm. I'm hoping that I'll be able to focus on my hobbies a bit more after I finish with finals

Yeah...priorities TT. How long do you have left (estimated) before you graduate? My goal is to graduate from high school this year so I can have that off my plate. But I have to go to the USA to be able to get my GED. Currently can't afford that, but I'm working and saving.

Like 2 weeks lol. I'm getting my associates degree first and plan to go back for my bachelor's within the next few years

ohh, well two weeks isn't that bad. what are you studying?

Nursing, it's technically a little over two weeks until I actually graduate. But the majority of our final assignments are due within the next two weeks. Which basically just means I am spending most of my free time studying and preparing for the next test.
On the bright side, I'm hoping my writing here will help me with writing my next paper. It is due in a week and I'm nowhere near done with it :sweat_smile:

Crossing my fingers for you. I have an Auntie who is a nurse, studying to become a doctor, but she's going to be taking a gap year soon cuz she's burned out. medical school is no joke

Yeah, I've been struggling at the end of nursing school, I could only imagine how hard medical school is. I definitely don't see myself continuing all the way to be a doctor, but nursing is full of so many different credentials and certifications, there is always something new to learn

Would you want to study anything in particular after you get your GED?

I'd like to take classes in art and dance, but I don't think i'd want to go to college/university for it. I might get a certificate to teach English as a foreign language because my parents suggest it, but I'm not sure yet.

That's really cool. Do you speak any other languages? I took spanish classes throughout middle and high school, but I'm pretty rusty because I haven't spoken any Spanish in around 4 years

no I don't. I live in the Dominican Republic, and am Dominican-American, but I don't speak Spanish, though I can read and understand it well enough to get around and live. Probably because none of my friends speak Spanish and I work online, so I just converse in English.

My father and brother both teach English professionally, and my parents suggested I get a certificate to do it too. If I do, all the adults in my family will have worked as teachers XD. But I'm not really interested in teaching English. I'm applying to work as a writing teacher.

Conversing in English definitely makes a lot of sense, most online things are already in English. I would love to improve my spanish-speaking skills but that's just another thing that I haven't had much time to work on. Although if you can read and understand it relatively well, I'd say you probably know more of the language than you are giving yourself credit for.
I took 6 years of Spanish and still struggled with speaking sometimes just because of the different grammar rules.
Being a writing teacher honestly sounds pretty cool! Would you prefer to teach online or in person?

I wouldn't mind teaching either way, but i'm applying online rn, because I speak English, and I couldn't teach in country in English XD.

I can only read enough to get around and buy things though, not like novels and stuff.

I took years of spanish classes and there is no way I'm reading a novel either without google translate :joy: Unforutunately, classes don't get into the intracacies of a lanugage like idioms, expressions or slang. Plus we mostly focused on words we'd need as a tourist.

Honestly me too, I could probably order some food without mispronouncing things too terribly. But that's about it

yeah, but i'm doing worse than you cuz I live here xd

It's all good, we're still young so we've got plenty of time to learn. maybe I'll start using Duolingo again, it is good to practice the basics

ahh, everybody talks about that site being so cursed lol