8 / 44
Sep 2024

Happy 3rd year anniversary. Continue your creative path. I subscribed by the way. ^_^
I just joined this year, so I am only a few months old.

Please like and subscribe.

To show that I want subscribers, here's a song:

Excellent! Haha, we've both got 3-year-old projects. xD

That's insane that you update on so many sites! Do you find Tapas to be a reasonable platform for your work, or do you prefer one of the sites listed over Tapas??

I'm not so sure, since I mostly use Comicfury these days and make updates easier in a way, I still treat Tapas as much as any other site would. However, I think Tapas's better than Webtoon these days, despite the fact that it was the first site I went with to upload my webcomics.

Oh wow, my Tapas one-year anniversary was on September 3 and I never even noticed! I started writing this story in June of 2021 and only started posting once I had the full two volumes, ~500,000 total words written and beta read.

So, I spent two years writing it and now a year posting it. I still love it! Which seems like a good sign. Will finally have a fresh cover for Volume II soon! :smiling_imp:

congratulations buddy! and may you have many years of success here in tapas!!! keep up the good work! :+1::v:

been here since 2019, ahh the covid years, if it werent for that virus id never have started my manga. learned a lot, had fun making it, and have a new found respect and admiration for all creators in the world fighting the good fight, Godbless all of you! as foe me, id probably try to continue my series when im 60 lol hahahaa

heres mine, youd notice the learning curve and the struggle, coz it sucksux at first with no color (imitating a japanese manga)

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I've been here for a few months. I wrote this book for about a year. It was weird, because the ending took me like eight months lol. Wrote the majority in like two months. It's always the endings that get me as a writer. There's just so many ends that have to be brought together satisfyingly.

Well, here's my comedy about drag queens in Japan, lol. Enjoy.

Have a daily comic strip called The Experiment check it out, subscribe let me know if you like it or if you don't either way is cool with me. The Experiment

:stars: Greetings from the stars!

Congrats on your journey! :fireworks:

My story is barely 3 months old on Tapas, but it's been in the works for about 9 years. This small idea turned into an Epic Novel!

Title: War of Neytives
Genre: Science-Fantasy, Adventure, LGBTQ
Chapters: 13+ (Ongoing)