1. I have really frizzy hair.
2. I once ate ketchup straight out the bottle.
3. I'm a total whovian (my favourite doctors are 2,4, 10, 13 and 7.)
4. I've read good omens 10 times.
5. I always wear socks.
Well, let's see:
1) If someone saw me, they would find it weird that I don't like spicy foods.
2) I might have a bit of Autism
3) I've only have one job in my entire life, and still work in it.
4) I have two degree in Liberal Arts, and at the time that I requested them, I didn't know that I had enough credits for two.
5) I hate traveling.
Oh, how fun. This is me:
1. I'm Asian
2. I'm wife and mom
3. I'm older than how I look (for western only I supposed, dunno).
4. Since moved to US, I make sure to bring my ID everywhere or I can't buy medicine or alcohol. Ouch!
5. Never embarrassed when I'm late to the school/uni in past, but I'm really embarrassed when once late to pick up my son. (It hit me that I'm getting old now).
@SirAxey Halo, kawan. satu hadir, agak berjiwa tua, msh dengerin letto sandaran hati sambil nggambar.
1) I work on IT has the 2nd level (mostly writing documents and instructions)
2) I've O.C.D. the real type, not the trendy one
3) I'm MUCH older than I look.
4) I live with the love of my life. In love since 2001.
5) I drink a lot of Black coffee
Genre: epic poem, romance, fantasy, sci-fi
Status: On-going posted daily
Each episode has less than 300 words and 2 illustrations.
When Death meets Chaos
tr you can also check
I am studying and working in automotive mechanics.
I have previously worked in the main office of a large retail chain.
Contrary to my creative hobbies like writing, I am actually a very logical and sometimes cold person.
I have worked on my main novel for eight years now.
In terms of height I am an average basketball player.
I have a bachelors degree in astrophysics but am unemployed
I have a crazy desire to learn how to do literally everything whether it's art related or not (ie: home improvement, coding, making video game, working on cars, baking, you name it)
I wish I lived in a RV so I could travel across the states and never stay tied down to one place
I love horror movies, games, and spooky things in general but I also love cute things
I'm a cat whisperer
- I'm 4'9, and I look younger because of my height
- I'm studying civil engineering on a vocational school
- I have short attention span. Like, very short. I will get distracted from literally anything. If there's no distraction, I will create my own distraction.
- Ironically type in very broken English (until I unironically do so).
- I can't handle caffeine. Like, at all. One cup of coffee and I'm guaranteed to not be able to sleep. But, well, I love coffee.
Anyways, here's a novel I write instead of studying!
- I've been writing in my native language since I was a young kid on a typewriter, but only started writing in English a little over a year ago.
- I LOVE cats, I think they're the best pets ever, but I'm pretty sure they don't think the same of me haha.
- I look a lot younger than I actually am and I don't mind it at all.
- I mod a few online communities, most of them have nothing in common at all.
- Even tho I'm very active in online communities, I don't have a lot of friends because I'm afraid of people leaving me.
- I bowled throughout high school
- I love weight lifting
- I too am much older than I look
- I make the best burgers you've never tasted (I'm a decent cook in general and make pretty good homemade ramen too)
- I've been to Vietnam 3 times so far (I'm from the US and not asian) and I speak a bit of Vietnamese
I've made far more comics but I'm only working on this one now:
Hi... this was so fun to read...
1- I'm a teacher - love teaching... hate the burocracy behind it
2- I live in Portugal but was born in Germany
3- got married on February 29th... special date
4- love making amigurumis (crochet toys)
5- my desk is a mess while my partner's so tidy... hate perfection...
already followed some of you... going to sub the other I didn't know of...
Thank you for your service!
- I have a hamster named Alexander Hamilton (he's a brat) and I plan to name all of my pets after historical figures
- People assume most of my friends are dudes, but- actually, most of my friends are ladies
- I'm a black queer (unoriented, unsorted attraction) trans guy
- I have a horrible stutter
- I frequently run into things (doors, wall, windows, people)
bonus fact: i have never broken anything nor have i been stung by a bee, yet i am prone to stubbing my toes and getting paper cuts
Thank you for the thread
I'll try i don't think my lie is that interesting haha
1) I've worked as a Pharmacy Technician
2) love trying out different restaurants (I'm a BIG foodie!!!)
3) Never been on a plane before
4) I've been on a boat
5) I LOVE the out-door/forest/nature so I'm always walking or hiking somewhere
my comics:
Hello! It was so fun to read this tread, so many ...unexpected things
Mine 5 is:
1) I have ADHD but managed to enjoy it heyyyooooo~
2) Have an animator's degree but drop my job because of exhaustion ¯_(ツ)_/¯ (I'm very weak physically too)
3) ENFP personality type
4) One of my biggest dreams is to live a couple of years in different countries
5) I fall in love with fictional characters easily (´꒳`)
Hi, these are my five:
I have two stores, Redbubble and Spreadshirt with t-shirt designs, backpack designs, pins, and lots more.
I have written a couple of stories on Wattpad, like A Taurus Man1, which is a romantic/comedy.
I started out on Webtoons with Zombie Outbreak, and have evolved on Tapas, starting with my first series Acapella Romantic Times which are illustrated lyrics that I have written.
I have a lot of fun collaborating with my brother on stories.
I'm a huge fan of Marvel artists, like Joe Quesada, Ed Benes, Fransesco Manna, and Olivier Coipel.
Here's my latest comic!